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Read Full Text: °®¶¹´«Ã½Physics teachers’ COVID-19 graph in the news

°®¶¹´«Ã½Physics teachers’ COVID-19 graph in the news

April 7th, 2020

The work of Physics teachers Jonathon Sumner, Sameer Bhatnagar and Jean-François Brière was in the news last week. They developed an interactive live data visualization of COVID-19 focused on Quebec. The hope was to reinforce social distancing and create a positive feedback loop. Here are the TV reports that featured interviews with Jonathon and Sameer: CTV…

Read Full Text: Un graphique en direct sur la covid-19 vise à montrer l’effet des interventions à ralentir la propagation de la maladie au québec

Un graphique en direct sur la covid-19 vise à montrer l’effet des interventions à ralentir la propagation de la maladie au québec

March 31st, 2020

Un professeur du Collège °®¶¹´«Ã½a consacré une partie de son temps confiné chez lui à l’élaboration d’un graphique interactif et en direct permettant de visualiser les données sur la pandémie de COVID-19. Le graphique met l’accent sur le Québec et vise à montrer l’effet de la distanciation sociale et d’autres interventions sur le ralentissement…

Read Full Text: Live COVID-19 graph focused on Quebec developed by °®¶¹´«Ã½teachers

Live COVID-19 graph focused on Quebec developed by °®¶¹´«Ã½teachers

March 31st, 2020

Jonathon Sumner (Physics) started working on a live interactive graph project with the idea of showing the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic in different parts of the world, while normalizing for population size, as well as showing the impact of interventions like physical distancing.

Read Full Text: DawsonAI projects selected by PIA

DawsonAI projects selected by PIA

March 3rd, 2020

Two projects that count DawsonAI as a partner have been selected by PIA to go forward. The organization made the announcement Feb. 26.

Read Full Text: L’intelligence artificielle fait son entrée au Collège Dawson

L’intelligence artificielle fait son entrée au Collège Dawson

October 20th, 2019

“Cet automne, le Collège °®¶¹´«Ã½se lance dans un projet d’intégration de l’intelligence artificielle (IA) à ses programmes d’études. D’ici trois ans, l’établissement souhaite offrir à l’ensemble de ses étudiants, quelque soit leur programme, une introduction à l’IA…”   Publié le 20 octobre 2019 par Élise Prioleau sur le Portail du réseau collégial du Québec. Lire l’article complet ici.

Read Full Text: °®¶¹´«Ã½College introduces AI into curriculum

°®¶¹´«Ã½College introduces AI into curriculum

June 8th, 2019

Global News coverage of launch of °®¶¹´«Ã½AI initiative

Read Full Text: °®¶¹´«Ã½College adds artificial intelligence to educational curriculum

°®¶¹´«Ã½College adds artificial intelligence to educational curriculum

June 4th, 2019

°®¶¹´«Ã½College adds artificial intelligence to educational curriculum

°®¶¹´«Ã½College – 50th Anniversary Talks: Education on the Edge of the Technological Singularity

August 20th, 2018

Last Modified: October 26, 2020


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