Connect Grants


Connect Grants provide financial support for the Canadian research community to undertake activities that will help make Canada a country of discoverers and innovators for the benefit of all Canadians. All activities must have outcomes related to the  and/or plans for future applications to NSERC.

Note: Activities that aim to foster a science and engineering culture in Canada are supported through PromoScience. For more information, please visit the  website or email the program contact directly at

Connect Grant applications can be submitted by researchers or administrators at eligible colleges. Canadian colleges that have been declared eligible to administer grants according to the eligibility requirements for colleges of at least one of the three federal granting agencies (NSERC, CIHR and/or SSHRC) may submit an application. If the proposed research and knowledge/technology transfer activities lie entirely within the mandate of a single agency (NSERC, CIHR or SSHRC), the college must be declared eligible to receive funding from that granting agency.

Eligible applicants can apply for two levels of Connect Grant funding:

³¢±ð±¹±ð±ôÌý1 For domestic travel costs to develop new college-industry partnerships.
³¢±ð±¹±ð±ôÌý2 For activities aimed at developing or promoting new college–industry partnerships aligned with the objectives of the .

All activities — including travel, events and workshops — must take place within Canada.

Connect Grant applicants should strive for diversity and inclusion when developing activities.


³¢±ð±¹±ð±ôÌý1 Connect Grants provide up to $5,000 for travel, accommodation, meals and meeting costs within Canada to academic researchers and research administrators at eligible colleges for outreach aimed at forming new partnerships with Canadian companies. This funding enables researchers and their potential collaborators to identify and develop collaborative research partnerships.

Funding approved for these applications must be used within three months following the award start date. Individuals are limited to two Level 1 Connect Grants per fiscal year.

Level 2 Connect Grants provide support for activities that will position NSERC as an enabler of research and development in Canada, contribute to the objectives of the  and create value for Canada, including:

  • research planning and networking activities to develop new college–industry partnerships;
  • activities or promotional tools to encourage new partnerships supported by CCI Program grants.

Typical funding requests range from $1,000 to $5,000. For exceptional activities, requests of up to $25,000 may be considered. Funds must be used up to 12 months following the award start date. Potential applicants must discuss their proposed activities with  staff before applying.

Last Modified: February 26, 2021