
“Eureka!” (I have got it!) – Archimedes (287-212 B.C.E.)

Listed below are links that can help with class assignments, visits to cultural institutions, and university applications.

  • Research and Documentation Online and MLA Format –
  • Merriam Webster Online –
  • Dictionnaires en lignes français –
  • Grand dictionnaire Larousse –
  • Terminology in French –
  • University Encyclopedia of Philosophy –
  • Bartleby, an internet source for literature –
  • Montreal Museum of Fine Arts –
  • Musée d’art contemporain –
  • Canadian Center for Architecture –
  • The Segal Centre for the Performing Arts at the Saidye Bronfman Center –
  • Centaur Theatre Company –
  • Infinitheatre –
  • Black Theatre Workshop –
  • National Theatre School –
  • Montreal Fringe Festival –
  • Centre international d’art contemporain de Montréal –
  • Mois de la photo de Montréal –
  • Concordia University –
  • McGill University –
  • Festival du nouveau cinéma –
  • Festival International du film sur l’art –
  • CBC Montreal –
  • Canadian Art magazine –
  • The Walrus magazine for articles on Canadian culture –
  • L’Opéra de Montréal –

Last Modified: March 13, 2024