Creative Watercolour Painting

Inspired by the painting styles of Monet, Cézanne and others, the watercolor medium will be explored through a spontaneous, direct approach. Using both traditional and experimental watercolor techniques and working from photographic images and life, students will be encouraged to capture their “perceptual impression” of landscapes, still life, nature and more.

Duration: 30 hours

Proposed materials:

Watercolor Paints:

  • Recommended brands:
    • Daniel Smith
    • Stevenson
    • Holbein
    • Winsor & Newton, Van Gogh
  • One cool and warm version of each primary color:
    • Cool Red (e.g., Alizarin Crimson or Permanent Rose)
    • Warm Red (e.g., Cadmium Red or Vermillion)
    • Cool Yellow (e.g., Azo Yellow or Lemon Yellow or Hansa Light)
    • Warm Yellow (e.g., New Gamboge or Cadmium Yellow)
    • Cool Blue (e.g., Phthalo Blue or Cerulean or Prussian)
    • Warm Blue (e.g., Ultramarine Blue or Cobalt Blue)

    Watercolor Paper:

    • 11” x 14” Arches cold pressed pad

    Watercolor Brushes:

    • 2 or 3 round brushes (#8, #10, #12, #14)
    • 1 large flat one-inch wash brush (hardware store)

    Palette with Lid
    Miscellaneous Items:

    • HB pencil, eraser, sharpener, painter’s tape
    • 2 water containers, paper towels, water spray bottle
  • Cost of materials : approximately 100$
    Purchase materials at Omer Deserres, Avenue des Arts, Michaels

Fall 2024

Evening Sessions

Sep 26 - Nov 28Thu

Thursday, Sep 26 - Thursday, Nov 28

DayTimeRoom Number
Thursday18:00 - 21:003B.25

Additional Information

Delivery Method: On Campus
Price: $270.00 plus tax
Total Hours: 30
Course Number: 310030
Registration Start Date: Tuesday, Jul 02, 2024
Registration End Date: Monday, Sep 23, 2024
Maximum Class Size: 18
Teacher: Patricia Kehler
Status: Registration in progress and will end on Monday, Sep 23, 2024

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Last Modified: September 19, 2024