TEF Intensive Speech Workshop (Online)


Before registering for this course, complete both the Comprehension Orale and Comprehension Ecrite sections of the placement test below:

• Answer each question until you have reached the results page for both sections. If your results indicate that you have received a passing grade of 60% for both sections, complete registration for this course. Your level will be verified again by the teacher on the first day of class.

• However, if you receive a grade lower than 60% in one or both sections, consult the language self-evaluation page Language Self-Evaluation Test

to get a sense of your level and register for a levelled course.

Have a B1 level of French: i.e. the student can understand the main points when clear, standard language is used and when dealing with familiar matters in work, school, leisure, etc. Can deal with most situations encountered while travelling in an area where the target language is spoken.

Can produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest. Can describe experiences, events, dreams, hopes and ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions, plans and ideas.

  • French interrogation (forms and interrogative words) and sentence structure in French
  • Conjugation times: past (composed, imperfect, more than perfect), conditional and subjunctive.
  • Complementary pronouns (direct, indirect, Y and en)
  • Vocabulary of the main themes of the TEF: travel, work, environment, volunteer work, renting (apartment, clothing and various goods) as well as the associated idiomatic expressions.
  • Connectors: the words that allow to modulate the speech (to give examples, advice, convince…)
  • Special attention will be given to pronunciation as well as to common mistakes made by students of French as a foreign language.

Overall Goals:
The Oral Expression Workshop is a refresher course to review and reinforce the grammar, vocabulary and expressive idioms necessary to successfully complete the oral expression part of the TEF.

This intensive workshop is designed to help candidates prepare effectively for the TEF (The French Evaluation Test Adapted to Quebec: a test designed by the Paris-Île-de-France Chamber of Commerce that is recognized by the Ministry of Immigration, Francization and Diversity).


  • Both parts of the test (A and B) are practiced in class with advertisements consisting of fake subjects.
  • Lists of vocabulary and idiomatic expressions from the TEF’s favorite themes are given to students to help them enrich their lexicon.
  • Students are encouraged to develop argumentation strategies as well as a personal “script.”
  • Grammar exercises are given in the form of homework in order to maximize learning.

Required Material:

  • Headphones and an external microphone
  • High-speed stable internet connection
  • Access to a computer with a minimum of Windows 10 or Mac G5
  • Book
Hardcover Book
Title: TEF : test d’evaluation de français, ISBN: 978-2016286678
Price: Approximately $ 49.00
Author: Le français des affaires de la CCI Paris Ile-de-France, Alban Mommmée
To purchase your hardcover book please click the following link : Dawson’s Bookstore

***Purchase should only be made after the first class.

Fall 2024

Evening Sessions

Sep 17 - Oct 08Tue

Tuesday, Sep 17 - Tuesday, Oct 08

DayTimeRoom Number
Tuesday18:00 - 20:30Zoom - Online

Additional Information

Delivery Method: Online
Price: $120.00
Total Hours: 10
Course Number: 520044
Registration Start Date: Tuesday, Jul 02, 2024
Registration End Date: Friday, Sep 13, 2024
Maximum Class Size: 20
Teacher: TBA
Status: Cancelled

Winter 2025

Evening Sessions

Jan 14 - Feb 04Tue

Tuesday, Jan 14 - Tuesday, Feb 04

DayTimeRoom Number
Tuesday18:00 - 20:30Zoom - Online

Additional Information

Delivery Method: Online
Price: $120.00
Total Hours: 10
Course Number: 520044
Registration Start Date: Friday, Nov 01, 2024
Registration End Date: Thursday, Jan 09, 2025
Maximum Class Size: 20
Teacher: TBA
Status: Registration for this section starts on Friday, Nov 01, 2024

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Last Modified: September 19, 2024