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Read Full Text: Webinar:  Representation and Inclusion of People with Disabilities in the Media: Why Develop a Database?

Webinar: Representation and Inclusion of People with Disabilities in the Media: Why Develop a Database?

January 26th, 2022

Wednesday, February 2nd, Mouloud Boukala, Ph.D. (UQAM – The Canada Research Chair in Media, Disabilities and (Self) Representations) will explain the motivations underlying a database development of Quebec media (self) representations of disabilities*. This event is free and open to all. * The talk will be in French but simultaneous interpretation in English will be…

Read Full Text: Dr. Charmaine Nelson – Virtual Lecture March 10 – Ways the enslaved navigated systemic oppression and cultural deprivation to retain and practice their cultures

Dr. Charmaine Nelson – Virtual Lecture March 10 – Ways the enslaved navigated systemic oppression and cultural deprivation to retain and practice their cultures

January 20th, 2022

2022 Annual Vickers-Verduyn Lecture in Canadian Studies March 10, 2022 at 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM Location: via ZOOM Cost: Free The School of Indigenous and Canadian Studies invites you to attend the 2022 Annual Vickers-Verduyn Lecture in Canadian Studies featuring Professor Charmaine Nelson When: Thursday March 10, 2022 @ 3 p.m. (EST) via ZOOM…

Read Full Text: °®¶ą´«Ă˝Active Learning Community (DALC) – Winter 2022 Events

°®¶ą´«Ă˝Active Learning Community (DALC) – Winter 2022 Events

January 19th, 2022

The °®¶ą´«Ă˝Active Learning Community will be hosting several workshops this semester.  All faculty members are invited to attend!   Workshops topics will include Perusall, Active Learning Foundations, and the flipped classroom approach, among others.   Consult the DALC website for dates, times and venue (some workshops will be virtual, others will be in person)….

Read Full Text: Intercollegiate Ped Days – January 12-14 – Register Now!

Intercollegiate Ped Days – January 12-14 – Register Now!

December 16th, 2021

You are invited to attend the 2nd annual Intercollegiate Ped Days Please join in January 12-14, 2022 All sessions will be virtual Intercollegiate Ped Days (IPD) seeks to promote sharing between college educators, foster intercollegiate professional development, and strengthen collaboration between the English-language CEGEPs. This year’s theme is Systemic Transformation: Developing Our Inclusive Practices There…

Read Full Text: Academic and psychosocial impacts of the pandemic on college students with disabilities – Dec. 1

Academic and psychosocial impacts of the pandemic on college students with disabilities – Dec. 1

November 24th, 2021

Before taking a well-deserved break for the holidays, don’t miss the opportunity to attend our last Lunch-&-Learn of the year! Next Wednesday, December 1, Benjamin Gallais and Marco Gaudreault (ÉCOBES – Research & Transfer) will share the results of their provincial survey on the academic and psychosocial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on college students…

Read Full Text: Blended Learning: New directions for in-person teaching and learning – Concordia’s Winterfest Dec. 2 and 3

Blended Learning: New directions for in-person teaching and learning – Concordia’s Winterfest Dec. 2 and 3

November 22nd, 2021

Winterfest will be virtual this year!   As classes resume on campus for the Winter term, more instructors are expressing interest in adapting a blended course delivery and want to better understand how to successfully adapt their course.  This year’s Winterfest, which will focus on the practical applications of blended learning, is an opportunity to learn more! Find out how to plan and teach using both face-to-face and out-of-class learning with real examples and tips that will help make the transition easier.

Read Full Text: Introduction Ă  la recherche quantitative – a CRISPESH webinar

Introduction Ă  la recherche quantitative – a CRISPESH webinar

November 15th, 2021

Formation en ligne (Zoom) Mercredi 17 novembre 2021, de 14h00 Ă  15h30 Introduction Ă  la recherche quantitative avec Pauline Claude, Chercheuse en inclusion au CRISPESH La recherche quantitative sollicite des donnĂ©es reprĂ©sentĂ©es sous forme numĂ©rique. Faisant appel Ă  des outils d’analyses statistiques, les mĂ©thodes quantitatives ont pour but de dĂ©crire, analyser, comprendre et prĂ©dire des…

Read Full Text: Quand apprendre est un dĂ©fi quotidien – a Virtual 5-7 with CRISPESH Panel

Quand apprendre est un dĂ©fi quotidien – a Virtual 5-7 with CRISPESH Panel

November 10th, 2021

Nouvelle sĂ©rie d’activitĂ©s: les 5@7 du CRISPESH Cette annĂ©e, le CRISPESH a le plaisir d’introduire Ă  sa programmation une toute nouvelle sĂ©rie d’activitĂ©s : les 5@7 du CRISPESH. Les 5@7 virtuels du CRISPESH ont pour objectif d’offrir une plateforme d’échanges et d’écoute sur la rĂ©alitĂ© et les dĂ©fis vĂ©cus par les personnes en situation de…

Read Full Text: Webinar: Vivre une démarche délibérative sur les enjeux éthiques de l’IA au collégial et à l’université

Webinar: Vivre une démarche délibérative sur les enjeux éthiques de l’IA au collégial et à l’université

November 8th, 2021

Free webinar sponsored by the Association quĂ©bĂ©coise de pĂ©dagogie collĂ©giale (AQPC) FinancĂ©s par le PĂ´le montrĂ©alais d’enseignement supĂ©rieur en intelligence artificielle, le Collège de Rosemont et l’UniversitĂ© de MontrĂ©al ont dĂ©veloppĂ© une formation sur les enjeux Ă©thiques de l’intelligence artificielle (IA) Ă  travers une dĂ©marche dĂ©libĂ©rative. Grâce Ă  une sĂ©rie de webinaires, de formations et…

Integrating Issues of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) in Teaching – A SALTISE webinar – Nov. 12

November 2nd, 2021

Integrating Issues of Equity Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) in Teaching: Starting the process by exploring the potential of a toolkit November 12, 2021 | 2:30 – 4:00 PM This webinar will examine a toolkit produced at Carleton University by Candice Harris, Martha Mullally and Rowan Thomson. It aims to help instructors design more equitable and…

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Last Modified: January 26, 2022


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