
Levels 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5


¡ Hola !

If you don’t speak Spanish today, you may be left behind…Spanish is rapidly gaining popularity in North America and all over the world; nearly 500 million people speak it. There are 21 Spanish speaking countries and the United States is currently the fifth largest one. Spanish looks great on your CV, just imagine the job opportunities! We feel the impact of the Hispanic culture everywhere: Frida Kahlo, Picasso, Gabriel García Marquez, Shakira, Juanes, Pedro Almodóvar, la salsa, el tango, el flamenco, to name just a few. Our diets today include Hispanic foods such as tacos, quesadillas, guacamole, and paella. Wouldn’t you like to discover more? Learning Spanish will also enable you to travel, keep pace with popular culture, expand your universe, and participate in Student Exchange ý.

¡ Bienvenidos a la clase de español !

Malaga Spanish Language Trip – 2020

The Modern Languages Department is organizing an exciting trip to¡貹ñ!

ճ󾱲two-week tripwill be an amazing opportunity to immerse yourself in Spanish culture, discover its fabulous places, people and food, and practice the Spanish that you have been learning in your classes!

Students will travel to Málaga, a city on Spain’s Mediterranean coast that has been declared a European “cultural capital.” During their two weeks in Málaga, they will live with host Spanish families, take language courses at the internationally recognized Malaca Institute, get “r𲹱-ڱ” experience speaking Spanish in a work setting, and travel to several renowned centers of historic (Moorish) Spain.

Here is a peek at part of your itinerary:

  • Orientation and tour of downtown Málaga;
  • Guided visits and excursions to historical and cultural sites and regions (Sevilla, the Alhambra, a typical Andalusian shipyard, Picasso Museum, etc.);
  • Internship experience in bookshops, hotels, car and bike rental outlets, etc.
  • Daily Spanish conversation classes at the Malaca Institute.
  • Cooking lessons, flamenco dance show, tapas evening and more…

THIS TRIP IS MORE AFFORDABLETHAN YOU THINK!Hurry, cDzԳٲMaria-Elena Grijalva atmgrijalva@dawsoncollege.qc.cafor specific details.

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Last Modified: February 12, 2020