Message from the Director General


We are now entering week #4 of the pandemic confinement and college activities are gradually setting up in ways we are not used to.  Since the beginning of this extraordinary closure, many of our employees have devoted much of their time to ensure delivery of essential services while teachers worked on redesigning their courses and imagined ways to reach their students. Through various instances, resources have been assembled to offer support systems to faculty and students to help them perform their academic rendez-vous to the best of their capacities.

Aware of the challenges 
We are very well aware, at the administration level, that this is being done under very unfamiliar conditions and we are aware of the challenges.   I can testify that everyone through their respective functions is working hard to find appropriate solutions to the various issues arising from this exceptional situation.

The aim set by the Minister of Education is daunting: do whatever is possible to salvage the academic year of students.  There are still matters at stake and uncertain outcomes.  How do we make sure we provide conditions for the delivery of remote classes that are optimal and safe? How do we ensure that practical learning activities done through stages and laboratories are delivered? How do we design evaluation devices that will guarantee they are reliable and valid? What is happening with the calculation of the R Score?  With the Exit Exam?

We will make our way through this together
We are in a “sight navigation” mode, so to speak.  The sole indications we have to help finding our way through the mist are coming from foghorns.  More than ever, we must remain vigilant and rely on each other. With unflinching determination and increased cooperation, we will make our way through in due respect of our educational mission and for the sake of our students.

Stay safe, Happy Easter and Happy Passover to all!

Last Modified: April 7, 2020