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Celebrating active learning at Dawson

February 8th, 2023

There are almost endless ways to do active learning and it can be adapted to various disciplines, spaces and personal preferences. Throughout the 10th anniversary of the ýActive Learning Community in 2022, champions from a variety of disciplines were highlighted in Dawson’s e-newsletter, D News, and on social media.

Click Read More for the homepage news story and learn about the AL experiences of teachers and students.

First trip to Cuba in 3 years!

January 25th, 2023

The heart of the North-South Studies Profile of Social Science is the field trip. For the first time since 2019-‘20, the profile students and faculty were able to go to Cuba.

Here is what Profile Coordinator Gisela Frias wrote from Cuba in December as a caption to this photo: “Our first trip since the pandemic. Our first stop, Plaza de la Revolución. We are being hosted by the Martin Luther King Center. Let the learning begin. Thank you to all of you who have supported this trip. Thank you to ýstaff and teachers, to alumni and to the greater community. Also thank you to members of Place de la Dignité who mobilized to support the donation drive we carried out.”

Read more about: Social Science Week is Feb. 6-10

Social Science Week is Feb. 6-10

January 25th, 2023

For Social Science Week 2023, we’ve got an exciting line-up of speakers with fascinating topics that touch on all of the Social Science disciplines taught at the College. We are thrilled that Darryl Leroux will be here, speaking about issues of white supremacy and race-shifting in Quebec, a phenomenon where white people claim Indigenous identity…

Hélène Nadeau receives excellence in teaching physics award for Quebec and Nunavut

January 25th, 2023

Dawson’s Hélène Nadeau has been selected by the Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) for the 2022 CAP Award for Excellence in Teaching High School/CEGEP Physics (Quebec and Nunavut). This is “recognition of her dedication to teaching physics and the development of students’ experimental and research skills,” stated the CAP in a news release dated Jan. 17.

Click Read More for the homepage news story.

SPACE students attend NASA workshop at Dawson

January 25th, 2023

The first workshop on , took place at ýCollege from Jan. 9 to 11. The workshop, the only NASA sanctioned event held outside of the United States, was co-convened by Dawson’s Richard Soare (faculty, Geography) and Jim Garvin, formerly NASA’s Chief Mars Scientist and currently the Principal Investigator of the DAVINCI Mission to Venus.

ýSPACE students also got to participate!

Click Read More for the homepage news story by Ursula Sommerer

Rob Stephens on ChatGPT opportunities and challenges

January 25th, 2023

On Jan. 20, CTV Montreal News interviewed Humanities faculty member and ýAI executive member Rob Stephens about , which is making waves in the classroom. The week before Rob had given a talk at Intercollegiate Ped Days on the same topic.

CTV news report:

Discover 12 projects funded by Foundation

January 25th, 2023

A dozen projects proposed by ýstudents, faculty and staff have been approved for funding through the ýFoundation’s new Student Academic Enrichment Fund.

A website page showcases the projects and allows others to invest in a particular project through a donate button.

The Student Academic Enrichment Fund is supported by students each semester and is meant to be a source of funds for projects that demonstrate a clear benefit for ýstudents and represent an activity that goes over and above core competencies for completion of a program. The selection committee, including representatives from the ýStudent Union, Academics and Student Services, meets twice a year to review and approve project proposals.

The next round of project applications will open later this semester and will be announced in D News and the Omnivox student news feed.

Read more about: Mitacs honours Joel Trudeau and ýteam

Mitacs honours Joel Trudeau and ýteam

November 30th, 2022

Last night (Nov. 22) we watched an award show for remarkable research in Canada under the Mitacs banner. There were 8 very outstanding initiatives highlighted and honoured. These award-winning undertakings were fascinating, socially relevant, pertinent for entrepreneurial action in science, medicine, indigenous life, international collaboration, and the creation of new thinking models. Very laudable on…

Read more about: Everyone wants more interprofessional education- feedback about learning last semester

Everyone wants more interprofessional education- feedback about learning last semester

November 30th, 2022

This semester, the Interprofessional Education team has implemented many successful learning opportunities for the medical technology and health students. As always, the team’s mission is to create and implement IPE learning opportunities that help the students learn with, from, and about each other in order to improve the quality of patient/client care. Here are just…

Next: The Art, Literature and Culture festival, Dec. 5-9

November 30th, 2022

The fall edition of the festival starts next week. Discover the creative works made by students in the program, this time in-person! Click Read More to visit the festival webpage for more information about the events.

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Last Modified: February 8, 2023


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