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Read more about: North-South Soiree brings in over $4,000 for Cuba field trip

North-South Soiree brings in over $4,000 for Cuba field trip

May 2nd, 2023

A true community-building event, the North-South Studies Soiree brought together over 100 attendees, including profile alumni, retired and present teachers, as well as both current and admitted-for-fall-2023 students for an evening of music, friendship, and solidarity. Fred Jones and Ovide Bastien who founded the Profile 30 years ago were in attendance, along with former coordinators…

Last chance to see The Trial

April 27th, 2023

It's the last week to go see The Trial, presented by the Professional Theatre Program!

Joseph K has been arrested—but for what crime? Adapted from the Kafka novel, the Trial is an absurdist comedy about the bureaucracy of the legal system. Directed by Michael Hughes and performed by the third-year graduating students in their final performance at Dawson.

The ticket price for ýstudents is $5. Faculty enter for free. Use the code “teachers” at the checkout. Tickets are available on their Box Office page.

DSU Elections are on this week

April 19th, 2023

Submitted by Elections Commission | ýStudent Union

The 2023 General Elections are on this week. All current ýstudents are eligible to vote for next year's Executive Officers and Student Council positions of the ýStudent Union (DSU).

What is the DSU? We are an accredited union run by students for students. We are the largest college student union in the CEGEP network. That's why it's important that students are involved in the democratic process. Students are invited to vote for next year's student representatives this week!

It's easy to vote! All you need to do is show up at Conrod's (2F.4) with your student ID. The voting period is open all week. You can find us in Conrod's April 17-21 from 11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

All information and further details can be found on Instagram @Dawson_elections. Inquiries are also accepted via elections@dawsonstudentunion.com

Rocking out at ýVIB event March 29

April 5th, 2023

A lively event stopped by ýon March 29 to move and inspire students and staff. The VIB event is touring campuses across Quebec to promote well-being and health. The event featured a Pound also known as “rocking out” workout, pictured; photo courtesy of RSEQ.

One of College Nurse Julie Gosselin’s student health ambassadors reported: “The participants really enjoyed the event and they liked their free merch. People seemed to really enjoy the Pound session as well since most of them had never done it before

“I think the event was really cool! It was a great way to promote physical activity during a time period when students are stressed and tend to forget the little things we should do to stay healthy.”

Contes et causerie à ýpour la Francofête

April 5th, 2023

Le conteur et nomade contemporain François Lavallée a fait escale à ýle 30 mars pour un événement dans le cadre de la semaine de la Francofête.

«Je pratique un des plus vieux métiers dans le monde, dit François au début de la soirée. Les histoires nous aident à collaborer pour le meilleur et pour le pire. Dans l'ancien temps, le troubadour était le premier à franchir la ligne de l’ennemie.»

«Quand on entend une bonne histoire, on s’accroche. Souvent, on raconte les souvenirs. Quand on raconte nos souvenirs, c’est différent de notre vécu.»

François a partagé un souvenir d'enfance datant de 1986. Après 37 ans, il dit que c'est sa mémoire et son imagination qui lui permettent de faire revivre l'histoire. Il a terminé sa visite avec «Le ruisseau», un extrait de son dernier spectacle

Read more about: An evening with Filmmaker Jorge Camarotti April 12

An evening with Filmmaker Jorge Camarotti April 12

April 5th, 2023

The Professional Photography Department will be presenting an evening with Filmmaker Jorge Camarotti on April 12 at 6:30 p.m. in 5B 16. Jorge will be presenting his award-winning short film “Ousmane” as well as discussing his process, and his journey. There will also be a question-and-answer period. This event is open to the ýcommunity. About…

Read more about: Renée Condo: Shifting Perspectives at the Gallery until May 6

Renée Condo: Shifting Perspectives at the Gallery until May 6

April 5th, 2023

“My work explores a connecting thread between Mi’gmaw and Eurocentric worldviews, using a visual language that is both symbolic and literal. It is enriched by the history of the bead to carry knowledge, communicate, evoke, and express Spirit. I embrace the bead as infinite potentiality, appearing divided, as part, and at once whole and all-encompassing.”…

Earth Week begins April 17

April 5th, 2023

Dawson's Sustainability Office and other departments are excited to host a two-week Earth Week event. Students and employees can participate in multiple events from April 17-April 28.

Check out all the Earth Week events listed on the the calendar often as new events are expected to be added. Earth Week 2023 touches on all 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Here is a sample of the Earth Week events to date and more are being added:

  • Eco-Friendly Market April 17-21
  • Eco-Cafe in Oliver's 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. every day April 17-28
  • Garden-Dig-Ins
  • Living Campus tours
  • Bike and Clothing repair workshops
  • Meet the Honeybees
  • Panel discussion with the Kahnawà:ke Youth Climate Collective: Iakwatonhontsanónsta'ts

Sign up: individuals and classes can participate by filling out this !

Students respond to Data Journalism Challenge

April 5th, 2023

All students were invited to participate in a Data Journalism Challenge March 25-26. The objective was to introduce students to the broad field of Data Journalism, wherein large datasets from various sources are compiled into a visual aid at the centre of a story meant to inform the general public.  Inspired by the work of  students were provided publicly available C02 emissions data for Canada and ideas for exploring other climate-themed data sets to create their own data journalism project.

The attendance was better than expected with about 80 students attending a Saturday morning workshop session run by Sameer Bhatnagar and Vanessa Gordon and 45 students completed the challenge during the weekend. Mentors and judges volunteered their time to support this event and expressed excitement about doing it again.

Google Brain team lead was keynote at DawsCon 2023

April 5th, 2023

DawsCon was a one-day conference March 24 on a wide range of topics in artificial intelligence hosted by ýAI and the Computer Science Department at Dawson. Dawson’s reception room in 5B.16 was packed with students for keynote speaker Hugo Larochelle, Montreal Team Lead at Google Brain. Hugo is also a member of Yoshua Bengio's Mila and an Adjunct Professor at the Université de Montréal. His talk about the Deep Learning revolution in AI gave the audience an overview of the development of AI from the early 2000s to today, including some of the major developments that occurred in Canada.

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Last Modified: May 4, 2023


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