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1,000 Species, a year in review

November 29th, 2023

Birds, beetles and fungi, oh my! Our 1,000 Species in 1,000 Days project has been running for a full year now.

Over that last year, students, faculty and staff have all contributed their talents and curiosity to get as many species identified on campus as possible. Our count after one year is 820 species, with 3,916 total observations and 279 people contributing to the project.

We have made amazing strides over the past year. However, as we approach 1,000 species, we will have to work harder than ever. If you would like to get involved, or get your classes involved in the spring, email bmader@dawsoncollege.qc.ca.

Happy identifying  everyone!

Photo: Red Milkweed Beetle on milkweed.

Submitted by Brian Mader, Faculty, Biology

Looking for Student Editors for the ýEnglish Journal

November 29th, 2023

The ýEnglish Journal is currently looking for student editors (from any program) to join its team as it prepares its 15th edition. Interested students can email englishjournal@dawsoncollege.qc.ca

Interview with Bahar Taheri – Oneness

November 29th, 2023

Bahar Taheri is an Iranian-Canadian visual artist and a faculty member of the Fine Arts Department here at ýCollege. Her current exhibition, Oneness, features paintings, a video projection with a musical composition, and complex digital prints at the Warren G. Flowers Art Gallery until Dec. 2. On a recent Thursday evening, a visual arts student, Katya Kieran had the chance to ask Bahar a few questions.

Please visit the link to read the interview.

Students share summer neuroscience research projects at Montreal labs

November 9th, 2023

Thirteen ýstudents spent their summer working on real research projects in various fields of neuroscience.

There were eight projects in partnership with Polytechnique/Ste-Justine, MNI, Douglas Institute, McGill departments of Physiology and of Pharmacology and Therapeutics. According to Neuroscience Research Group coordinator Hélène Nadeau: “some projects used images from dMRI, EEG, MRI, fMRI, MR spectroscopy, or PET modalities to probe questions related to the health of neonates, to audition in the normal population, or to pathologies such as schizophrenia, multiple sclerosis, or Alzheimer’s disease.

“Other projects relied on experiments on mice or rats, to better understand physiological mechanisms related to pathologies. In the course of the academic year, several teams worked on a large array of projects combining behavioural and EEG data.”

Three of the students shared their projects in interviews with the Communications Office. Visit the Read More link to see their projects and interviews.

ýK-Pop team was front page news

November 8th, 2023

Dawson’s K-Pop dance team, IntenCITY, under Campus Life, was featured on the front page of The Montreal Gazette on Nov. 1. The dancers hosted a Random Dance Play activity where snippets of K-Pop songs are played. If you know the choreography of the dance, you jump onto the dance floor and dance in unison. The activity always brings a lot of spectators and of course, K-Pop dance fanatics.

“ýhas competed in the Intercollegiate Triple Crown K-Pop Dance competition the last four years,” said Michelle Lee of the Campus Life team in Student Services. “We brought home the trophy the last two years. We compete against Vanier, Marianopolis, Champlain, John Abbott, and last year, Brébeuf was included. Each school performs three dances. Dawson’s team, IntenCITY, is strong again this year and is working hard to hold onto the trophy at the 2024 competition.”

People of all ethnic backgrounds are part of this community, not only Koreans, Michelle says.


Appreciating math from another perspective

November 6th, 2023

Students in Garry Ka Lok Chu’s course Language of Math and Computer Science: Introduction to Mathematics will be sharing their math inspired art at a special exhibit the morning of Nov. 28 from 10 AM to 12 PM. The student artwork will be exhibited in Conrod’s (2F.4).

Garry “would like the community to understand Math-related Art and appreciate Math from another perspective.”

All are welcome to drop by.

Peace Studies offering free drop-in meditation

October 25th, 2023

The Peace Studies Certificate is offering free drop-in meditation sessions now through Dec. 7.

Monday: 12-12:30 PM in 3F.34
Tuesday: 1-1:30 PM in 5D.11
Wednesday: 12-12:30 PM in 3F.43
Thursday: 1-1:30 PM in 5D.11
Friday: 11:30 am-12 PM in 3F.45
until December 7, 2023

Students interview David B. Stewart whose work is on exhibit at the gallery

October 11th, 2023

David Stewart is a visual artist born in Saskatoon, raised in Port Coquitlam, BC, and based in Montreal. His current exhibition, Cuts from PoCo, is on view at the Warren G. Flowers Art Gallery from Sept. 7 - Oct. 14. On a recent Tuesday evening, two second-year visual arts students, Katerina Kieran and Lisseth Llorente Ruiz, had the opportunity to sit down with David Stewart to discuss the artist’s life, works and creative process.

Visit the link below to read the interview.

Peace Week 2023 proposed a world where everyone’s identity and voice can be celebrated

October 11th, 2023

ýCollege's annual Peace Week has always been a platform for insightful discussions on pressing social issues. In 2023, the theme of the 8th Annual Peace Week was "Exultation: Queer Freedoms & Futures."

This event, which was held Sept. 13-21, celebrated the vibrant history of queerness while exploring the possibilities of a world where freedom of expression, safety, and unconditional love prevail for all gender and sexual identities. The event brought together a diverse group of speakers who shared their thoughts and experiences on the path towards true liberation from oppressive norms.

Visit the link below to read the homepage news story.

Over 2,000 students attended Humanities conference

September 27th, 2023

The Humanities and Public Life Conference took place from Sept. 18-21. The theme this year was What's the Point? Purpose, Meaning, and Value in Challenging Times. Over the span of four days, over 2,000 students attended 20 different presentations.

Our presenters explored how humanities education can help us to ask the bigger questions that guide our everyday actions, helping us to understand what to value and why. Some highlights included two former ýstudents, Silvia Ortan and Andreas Nicolaidis-Gagnon, who shared how they use what they learned in humanities in their careers (law and social work). Overall, we were reminded once again of the impact that humanities can have in helping us navigate a complex and often bewildering world.  From the rise of white power terrorism to the role that AI will play in creativity, our presenters helped students understand how what they are learning in their humanities courses factors into real-world situations.

We would also like to express our thanks to the ýadministration, FAMA, the theatre department, and David Bannout.  Special thanks to Diana Rice for coordinating three peace week talks during the conference.  Without your help, we would not have been able to offer our students such an enriching week!

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Last Modified: November 30, 2023


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