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Learn from Inuit Elders Lizzie Irniq & Mary Kiatainaq

May 4th, 2021

Lizzie Irniq and the late Mary Kiatainaq of Kangisujuaq, Nunavik share stories of life on the land, the brilliance of dog teams and their experiences learning and teaching for the First Peoples Post-secondary Storytelling Exchange.

Watch their video!

(scroll down the page to find it)

Walking Out Ceremony: Sharing Cree culture with the ýcommunity through film

April 20th, 2021

Walking Out Ceremony is one of the many films you can find at fppse.net, the First Peoples Post-Secondary Storytelling Exchange website.

The six-minute film follows ýCollege student Alexandrea Matthews as she and her family hold a traditional Cree ceremony on the ýgrounds. A Walking Out ceremony is a long-held Cree tradition that honours a child's first steps and their future role.

Members of the ýCommunity were present to witness this special event and celebrate a milestone with Alex's niece and her family. For Alex, whose home community is nine hours north, she was "so happy to bring something from my home to Dawson."

Click Read More to watch it.

Students to take stock of trees in Montreal and Westmount this summer

April 20th, 2021

Environmental Science Coordinator Tonia De Bellis has found a way to give Science students a unique hands-on learning activity that is perfect for a pandemic.

Click Read More for the homepage news story.

Introduction to the Responsible Conduct of Research on March 24

March 23rd, 2021

On Wednesday, March 24, from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m., CRISPESH will give a workshop in French regarding the responsible conduct of research. This internal workshop is offered to employees of CRISPESH, ýCollege and Cégep du Vieux Montréal, as well as to our project collaborators. To register, send an email to: inscriptions@cripsesh.ca

Read more about: Recommended video and media coverage of FPPSE storytelling project

Recommended video and media coverage of FPPSE storytelling project

March 9th, 2021

Some media coverage of the FPPSE project:  CBC Breakaway interview with me and Concordia student Lucina Gordon: https://www.cbc.ca/listen/live-radio/1-79-breakaway/clip/15826578-a-storytelling-project-help-indigenous-students-post-secondary-education Radio Canada: https://bit.ly/3bcozUZ Winschgaoug, CBC North Interview with ýstudent Alexandria Matthews in Cree https://www.cbc.ca/listen/live-radio/1-146-winschgaoug-cree/clip/15824821-alexandria-matthews-participates-first-peoples-post-secondary-storytelling-exchange?fbclid=IwAR3ZBNwY64SNXiErLvtwNoVuEPywOd31vB-0mtvumPVFl9xPRy_naxh_J8E The Link, Concordia paper: https://thelinknewspaper.ca/article/feature/new-virtual-project-aims-to-improve-indigenous-students-access-to-post-secondary-education Noovo NVL Web TV Interview with Michelle at 4:12 https://noovo.ca/videos/nvl/nvl-du-18-fevrier-2021 FPPSE project website: https://fppse.net/ 

Life on Mars statistically probable according to Richard Soare’s research

February 23rd, 2021

Is there life on Mars? That question is propelling the mission of the Perseverance rover, which landed on the Red Planet Feb. 18. It has also driven the research of ýCollege Geography teacher and Mars researcher Richard Soare for over two decades.

Specifically, Richard’s research has focused on finding evidence of near-surface ice in the non-polar regions of Mars.

Click Read More for the homepage news story, which includes a Q and A with our colleague Richard Soare and a link to the CTV News interview with him last week.

Website live for First Peoples’ Post-Secondary Storytelling Exchange

February 23rd, 2021

A celebration was held online Feb. 16 to launch the new website of the First Peoples' Post-Secondary Storytelling Exchange project. About 170 people attended from all over Quebec and other parts of Canada. An elder opened the event, some of the storytellers shared their experiences, a quliq was lit, a video was premiered and the new website was shown.

There is a great amount of content to read and watch on the website. Perhaps you can begin by viewing this 10-minute video, which was premiered at the event:

City TV broadcast this report on the day of the launch:

Click Read More to visit the new website.

Powerful stories bring Indigenous perspectives to higher education

February 9th, 2021

Storytelling is at the heart of the oral cultures of Indigenous peoples in Canada. A unique project in Quebec led by ýCollege faculty uses storytelling to advance the inclusion and welcome of Indigenous cultures and students in higher education institutions.

“Our project is about changing the culture in academic institutions, underlining the need for Indigenous people to have leadership roles within these institutions and making sure that Indigenous perspectives are reflected and part of the educational experience for everyone,” explained Michelle Smith, a faculty member of Dawson’s Cinema | Communications Department and principal investigator.

Click Read More to go to the Homepage news story.

Phones as teaching tools in the classroom

October 7th, 2020

Just before this semester began, the Adaptech Research Network completed a one-year ECQ-funded project entitled “Smart Phones: a Neglected Pedagogical Tool.”

Click on Read More for the homepage news story and a link to the videos produced by Adaptech.

Posture and fitness are related: Joanna Farmer’s research

June 16th, 2020

During her career as a teacher of Physical Education, Dawson’s Joanna Farmer has developed expertise in teaching posture.

Click Read More to read a homepage news story about Joanna's posture research and for a link to her research article.

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Last Modified: May 4, 2021


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