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CC4C Changemakers recognized

September 27th, 2023

On Sept. 21, four students were recognized as CC4C Creative Changemakers at a gala at the Warren G. Flowers Art Gallery at Dawson.

The four CC4C Creative Changemakers are: Kessy Ininahazwe  (General Social Science), Elishah Alphonse (General Social Science), Kylie Brown (Cinema | Communications) and Sarah Browne (Graphic Design).

Changemakers Kessy Ininahazwe and Elishah Alphonse made a song entitled “Can't bare no more” about a poem that was written in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. They produced the “song so it can serve as a powerful reminder of the ongoing struggle for racial justice and the need to celebrate and support black culture,” Kessy said.

The students learned how to produce a song, which was a really long process. “We can also say that we learned how to use our voice and creativity in the struggle for a better world,” Kessy said.

The award “feels really great because we worked so hard for this project and the fact that other people really enjoyed the song feels amazing to me,” she said.

“It is such a pleasure to reward students who have such a dedication for positive change in this world,” said Kim Simard (Faculty, Cinema | Communications) of the Creative Collective for Change (CC4C).

“We are lucky to have incredible students in our midst: curious, critical and creative. May we consistently value their important contributions,” she said.

Kim said that it was a beautiful evening, and that they hope to see more like it in the future. Thanks again to Living Campus and the Warren G. Flowers Gallery for their unwavering support.

Humanities courses helped ýgrad find his way and his why

September 27th, 2023

What’s the point? was the theme of the Humanities and Public Life Conference the week of Sept. 18 at ýand a graduate returned to answer this question in a most convincing way.

Andreas Nicolaidis-Gagnon (Class of 2022, Social Service) only met teacher Daniel Goldsmith after he took his Humanities course online during the pandemic. They continue to enjoy a lively discussion on What’s App about the themes in the Enlightened Consciousness course. It was through this ongoing conversation that Daniel had the idea to invite Andreas back to ýto speak to students about the value of Humanities courses.

Visit the link below for the homepage news story.

All are welcome at ýOpen House 2023

September 27th, 2023

For the first time in four years, ýis opening our doors to welcome everyone on the afternoon of Sunday, Oct. 22 from 1 PM to 4 PM. No reservations required; just come!

It is important to note that everyone is welcome to visit Open House, apply for programs and attend Dawson, whether or not you hold an English eligibility certificate.

Visit the link for the homepage story with all the details.

ýan “excellent” Cégep Vert

September 27th, 2023

ENvironnement JEUnesse (ENJEU) has certified that ýCollege has met the criteria for the excellence level of its Cégep Vert program. This means that ýis at the highest level of CEGEPs that are committed to environmental education and action.

“They gave special mention to our ýWetlands Project, completed in Paul Wasacz’s Eco-Landscaping Physical Education course,” said Chris Adam of Dawson’s Office of Sustainability.

Faculty interested in designing projects that reconnect people, community and Nature like the ýWetlands project should contact the Office of Sustainability to learn how they can support you and your students.

Photo: Chris Adam and students check out the brand new worm composting system.

Visit the link for the homepage news story.

Good times and happy reunions at first Homecoming

September 27th, 2023

“I met my best friend at ýand we came together.”

“ýmade such an impact on me during my first years in Canada; I had to come.”

“There is just something special about the ýcommunity and I had to come back and be part of it again.”

These were the sorts of comments we heard from graduates, retirees, employees and even current students who attended Dawson’s first-ever Homecoming on Sept. 23.

Special thanks to the Homecoming Organizing Committee, the staff who worked on a Saturday to make it happen, the teachers who hosted reunions and our event sponsors: the Burgundy Lion Group, Shaughnessy Café and Chartwells Canada.

Visit the link below for the homepage news story and more photos.

Medical Ultrasound awarded new bursary in May

September 13th, 2023

The Medical Ultrasound Department celebrated the end of last semester with a BBQ for first and second-year students in May. At the event, they presented a bursary to second-year student Elizabeth Neveau.

The bursary was granted by the Ordre des technologues en imagerie médicale, en radio-oncologie et en électrophysiologie (OTIMROEPMQ), their professional order.

The order established this bursary in 2023, and they offered one to each CEGEP in Quebec with a Medical Ultrasound program.

Dawson’s faculty recognized one student who they felt showed exemplary hard work, dedication and improvement over the course of their studies at the College as well as their excellence in Medical Ultrasound.

Photo:  From left to right: Kieran Bradshaw, Gaëlle Mpiana, Melanie Nash, student Elizabeth Neveau, Cassandra Mofford, Eleni Joannides

Read more about: ýProfessional Theatre presents Eurydice Sept. 20-23

ýProfessional Theatre presents Eurydice Sept. 20-23

September 13th, 2023


2024 Science students will be first class in new program

September 13th, 2023

The incredibly popular Science Program at ýhas been reviewed, re-imagined and thoroughly revitalized! The Science Program Revision was presented to Dawson’s Board of Governors and approved on April 19.

Please visit the link to read the homepage news story.

Kung Fu athletes bring back 22 medals from Pan Am championships

September 13th, 2023

Seven athletes who train with the Wing Chun Kung Fu group VTMTL-ýcompeted at the 4th Pan American Kung Fu Championships in Toronto Aug. 3-6 and came back with 22 medals!

Please visit the link for the homepage news story.

Peace Week’s Dinner and Drag show choreographed by Theatre grad

September 13th, 2023

ýProfessional Theatre graduate Ken Antonio Rillo (Class of 2009) will be back at the College for Peace Week. He is the choreographer for the main act and lead dancer in a special Peace Week event called Dinner and Drag on Sept. 21.

Please visit the link below for the homepage news story.

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Last Modified: September 28, 2023


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