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Read more about: Humanities and Public Life Conference 2022: Crisis, conflict and resolution

Humanities and Public Life Conference 2022: Crisis, conflict and resolution

May 4th, 2022

The ýCollege Humanities & Public Life conference is an annual conference that introduces CEGEP students to the ambiance, culture, and discovery of academic conferences.  We aim to provide a bridge between great ideas, new research, and exciting debates, as well as showcasing how the questions we tackle in the Humanities are relevant to concrete,…

Over at the Faculty Hub

May 4th, 2022

Recommended Video:

Homework vs. Asynchronous Work: What’s the Difference?

Presented by: Daniel Goldsmith (Humanities) and other members of the ýBlended Teaching and Learning Support Team

Read more about: Catherine Payne nominated as DALChampion

Catherine Payne nominated as DALChampion

May 4th, 2022

In celebration of its 10th anniversary, the ýActive Learning Community (DALC) has named 10 of its faculty members “DALChampions” in honour of their extraordinary contributions to innovating the classroom experience. DALC is a group of teachers from various disciplines that strives to improve teaching and learning through Active Learning (AL) pedagogical practices, and the…

Learning Communities winter semester update

May 4th, 2022

Three new Learning Community projects are in development this Winter 2022 semester.  Two projects, Physics for PhysiotherapyԻInter-professional Education, illustrate the continued expansion of LC curriculum development to career programs, specifically in the medical technologies, where collaboration between program and contributing discipline faculty aims to optimize student learning.  A third project, LCs for Small Social Science Disciplines, is developing a new model for pairing courses by way of a common time-block, a complementary theme, and integrative learning activities.

Click Read More for the full report.

Over at the Faculty Hub

April 20th, 2022


Organized material and a clear course schedule are essential for student success, even more so in a blended learning environment. If you are wondering how to organize your Moodle page, or you have ever wanted to see inside a colleague's Moodle setup, now is your chance! Come and share how you design your Moodle page so that others can get inspired. This is a VIRTUAL event facilitated by the Blended Teaching and Learning Support Team.

April 22, 2:30 p.m. - 4 p.m., Via Zoom.

Join this workshop from the Faculty Hub website

Read more about: Valerie Simmons and Jean-François Brière honoured as DALChampions

Valerie Simmons and Jean-François Brière honoured as DALChampions

April 20th, 2022

To celebrate its 10th anniversary, the ýActive Learning Community (DALC) has named 10 of its faculty members “DALChampions” in honour of their extraordinary contributions to innovating the classroom experience. DALC is a group of teachers from a variety of disciplines that strives to improve teaching and learning through Active Learning (AL) pedagogical practices, and…

Over at the Faculty Hub

April 6th, 2022

Workshop for Faculty

Engaging Groupwork: Strategies for Meaningful Activities

Wednesday, April 13, 10:00-11:30 a.m.  In-person in room 3F.5

Facilitated by:  Jeff Gandell and Cory Legassic

Do you use groupwork in class and feel like it could go better? Do you feel like only some students are benefiting? This workshop will share impactful practices on three stages of in-class group work: before, during, and after the activity. Participants will leave with new insight, concrete ideas, and new questions about how to make teamwork come alive in the classroom.

A Writing in the Disciplines (WID)/Saltise co-production

or from the Faculty Hub website (Events)

Talk with Dr. Catherine Kinewesquao Richardson March 24

March 23rd, 2022

Decolonization and Indigenization Studies, Women's and Gender Studies, Resist Violence and the Creative Collective for Change present an online conversation with Dr. Catherine Kinewesquao Richardson. She will speak about Cultural safety and managing risky conversations in the classroom on March 24 at 2:45 p.m.

Click Read More for the Zoom link.

Teaching Excellence Awards are back!

March 23rd, 2022

In past years, nominations were held in both Fall and Winter semesters, but this year they will be held all at once. From March 21 through April 3, students and faculty may nominate a teacher who best embodies teaching excellence through their outstanding teaching performance in the classroom, lab, and/or field work.

ýCollege is proud of its teachers and the Director General wants to thank them by allowing students and faculty to recognize teachers by giving them the opportunity to win an award that highlights their devoted work.

Five teachers will be selected: two in pre-university programs, one in a career program, one in general education, and one in a continuing education program (including AEC). Results will be announced in September of the following academic year during Ped Day.

More information on the criteria and procedures can be found through the in the My ýLife menu under Teaching Excellence Award. Please read through them carefully before you nominate a teacher. Happy voting!

Over at the Faculty Hub

March 22nd, 2022

Virtual Workshops with the Blended Teaching & Learning Support Team

  • Blended Teaching and Learning: The Basics

March 25, 1-2:30 p.m.

What is Blended Learning? How is it different from other computer-mediated pedagogies? Is there a right way to do it? We have summarized some evidence-based frameworks and ideas into this presentation. Join us to talk about blended teaching and learning. (This presentation is a repeat of presentations given at Career Council, Sector Meetings, and Senate)

  • Homework vs. Asynchronous: What's the Difference?

April 8, 2:30-4 p.m.

We've all asked ourselves the big questions: who am I? what is the good life? Recently, though, in your blended course, you may have been asking yourself another: what's the difference between homework and asynchronous class work? Join in to explore the differences, both in theory and in practice. We hope to arrive at some concrete answers - and to delight in the process of asking the question!

Virtual Office Hours

  • Blended Teaching Virtual Office Hours are available throughout March and April

Visit the Faculty Hub for more info or to join these events

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Last Modified: May 4, 2022


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