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Read more about: Improve your French for free with Dawson’s CLÉO

Improve your French for free with Dawson’s CLÉO

August 18th, 2021

Conversation Workshop We have developed three types of workshops to encourage your students to practice their French : workshop conversation on a topic, ciné-club, and a game workshop. The workshop formula is relaxed and flexible. It’s a place where they can learn at their own pace and have fun. You can find the complete workshop schedule here. Language pairing service for ýemployees CLÉO has a new language…

Blanket Exercise open to all Aug. 19

August 18th, 2021

August 19th, 9 a.m. in 5B.16: Diane Labelle will facilitate a Blanket Exercise, open to all employees of the College. This is one of a series of events that will be hosted at the College in August & September leading up to and including Sept. 30, the National Day of Mourning for Residential School Victims and Survivors.

To join this session please click on the link to register: . For any questions, please contact Diana Rice.

A schedule of events will be released over the coming weeks that will invite the participation of the entire ýCommunity. Also, be on the lookout for special displays in the library featuring award winning Indigenous authors & different thematic book resources accessible to the ýCommunity.

If you would like to have a Blanket Exercise facilitated in your class by an experienced Indigenous facilitator, please contact Diana Rice.

Peace Week begins Sept. 13

August 18th, 2021

The 5th Annual Peace Week will kick off Sept. 13 with an in-person beading workshop with Cory Hunlin, Keynote Speaker Tracy Lindberg and cap off on Sept. 22 with the amazing Dr. Philip  Howard's virtual professional development workshop. Full details will be released in the coming weeks through D News and the Peace Centre website. For any questions or inquiries, please contact Diana Rice.

Faculty Hub team recognized with 2021 SALTISE Award

August 18th, 2021

recognized Dawson’s team of Faculty Hub pedagogical counsellors for their work supporting teachers. The Faculty Hub team received the 2021 SALTISE Best Practices & Pedagogical Innovators Award at the conclusion of the SALTISE conference in June.

Click Read More to go to the homepage news story.

New book by Richard Soare, Dawson’s own Martian expert

June 1st, 2021

Richard Soare (Faculty, Geography) has a new book out about the Red Planet. (9780128202456) is well placed to carry on with the search for water and life and other deeply rooted Martian mysteries.

Richard's book was published on May 28. Click Read More to go to a short review and more info.

(Photo is courtesy of NASA and shows the Ingenuity helicopter parked on the tarmac at Jezero Crater on Mars)

CRISPESH, SALTISE & AQPC happening this week & next

June 1st, 2021

June 1-3

June 2-4:

June 10-11:

Carmen Leung recognized with 2021 SALTISE Award

June 1st, 2021

ýChemistry teacher Carmen Leung “dedicates herself to teaching in ways that keep her students engaged and she contributes to all aspects of College life,” reads the announcement from SALTISE.

This week, Carmen will be honoured with a 2021 SALTISE Best Practices & Pedagogical Innovators Award at the  happening June 2-4.

Click Read More for the homepage story.

Selma Hamdani receives a mention d’honneur from the AQPC

June 1st, 2021

Dawson’s Psychology Profile Coordinator Selma Hamdani is incredibly grateful to receive a mention d’honneur from the Association québécoise de pédagogie collégiale (AQPC).

“Whatever I do, it is not by myself,” she said. “So many vibrant and great ideas are sparked everywhere at Dawson. I share this honour with the ýActive Learning Community (DALC), the Office of Academic Development, the Psychology Department, the Communities of Practice and so many other people who helped me be the teacher I am today. ýis fertile ground and a special community!”

Click Read More for the homepage news story.

Read more about: Report on ýCollege Model UN

Report on ýCollege Model UN

June 1st, 2021

In 2020-2021, ýCollege Model UN (DCMUN) had to pivot online and adapt to the realities of our new world. We were motivated to continue to offer ýstudents an engaging and enriching para-academic experience, even at a distance. We were glad to support an active delegation of ýstudents this year, both first and…

Thank you from the Faculty Hub team

June 1st, 2021

Thank you to everyone who collaborated with the Faculty Hub pedagogical counsellors this semester to provide over 50 online professional development workshops. We have enjoyed working with you, despite the virtual mode!

Best wishes to all for a wonderful summer and a well-deserved break!

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Last Modified: August 18, 2021


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