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Celebrating active learning at Dawson

February 8th, 2023

There are almost endless ways to do active learning and it can be adapted to various disciplines, spaces and personal preferences. Throughout the 10th anniversary of the ýActive Learning Community in 2022, champions from a variety of disciplines were highlighted in Dawson’s e-newsletter, D News, and on social media.

Click Read More for the homepage news story and learn about the AL experiences of teachers and students.

Over at the Faculty Hub

January 25th, 2023

Upcoming Ed Tech Workshops

  • Lea vs. Moodle
  • Intro to Moodle
  • Intro to Lea
  • Intermediate Moodle

Visit the Faculty Hub for dates and time!

Hélène Nadeau receives excellence in teaching physics award for Quebec and Nunavut

January 25th, 2023

Dawson’s Hélène Nadeau has been selected by the Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) for the 2022 CAP Award for Excellence in Teaching High School/CEGEP Physics (Quebec and Nunavut). This is “recognition of her dedication to teaching physics and the development of students’ experimental and research skills,” stated the CAP in a news release dated Jan. 17.

Click Read More for the homepage news story.

Rob Stephens on ChatGPT opportunities and challenges

January 25th, 2023

On Jan. 20, CTV Montreal News interviewed Humanities faculty member and ýAI executive member Rob Stephens about , which is making waves in the classroom. The week before Rob had given a talk at Intercollegiate Ped Days on the same topic.

CTV news report:

Read more about: How to teach with purpose- highlights from Ped Day keynote address

How to teach with purpose- highlights from Ped Day keynote address

January 25th, 2023

Karen Gazith’s keynote address at Intercollegiate Ped Days on Jan. 10 served as a crash course in how to be an effective teacher. Entitled Teaching with Purpose, her address had the same name as the book she published in 2020. “How well we teach is the most critical factor” in a student’s success, she said….

Read more about: Mitacs honours Joel Trudeau and ýteam

Mitacs honours Joel Trudeau and ýteam

November 30th, 2022

Last night (Nov. 22) we watched an award show for remarkable research in Canada under the Mitacs banner. There were 8 very outstanding initiatives highlighted and honoured. These award-winning undertakings were fascinating, socially relevant, pertinent for entrepreneurial action in science, medicine, indigenous life, international collaboration, and the creation of new thinking models. Very laudable on…

SALTISE webinar on Dec. 2

November 30th, 2022

Picking up from the 2022 SALTISE Conference and the insights from Dr. Gomez’s webinar on Oct. 6, our panel of emerging researchers reunite to critically explore their own experiences of collaborative design in education, research and teaching. From educational innovation projects to STEM research on perinatal trauma, these emerging scholars explore the messiness of collaborating across people, time and space. This talk is inspired by the following questions: what partnerships emerge in the process of centering inclusive and equitable pedagogies? What biases disrupt these partnerships? What conditions enable these partnerships to create sustainable pedagogical change?

This event is taking place on Friday, Dec. 2 from 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. To register, click on Read More.

Faculty Hub

November 30th, 2022

A new faculty orientation session will be held in person on Jan. 16 from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm.

Dawson’s New Faculty Orientation is designed to introduce new faculty to information about college services and procedures, teaching at the college-level, and tips for engaging students.

The orientation includes asynchronous and synchronous components:

  • Welcome from the Deans and Directors of Dawson
  • Competency based education and the program approach
  • Academic integrity at Dawson
  • Faculty deadlines
  • Faculty roles and responsibilities
  • Classroom scenarios and discussion
  • Professional development opportunities

This event is open to all new Day and Continuing Education faculty with a winter 2023 workload. Registration is required.

Read more about: Everyone wants more interprofessional education- feedback about learning last semester

Everyone wants more interprofessional education- feedback about learning last semester

November 30th, 2022

This semester, the Interprofessional Education team has implemented many successful learning opportunities for the medical technology and health students. As always, the team’s mission is to create and implement IPE learning opportunities that help the students learn with, from, and about each other in order to improve the quality of patient/client care. Here are just…

Teachers involved in active learning share experiences in video

November 30th, 2022

ýfaculty members share their experiences about adopting active learning pedagogy and some examples of how it enriches learning in a bilingual video made on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the ýActive Learning Community (DALC). The video features interviews with Jean-François Brière (Physics), Daniel Goldsmith (Humanities),Selma Hamdani (Psychology), Carmen Leung (Chemistry), and Jocelyn Parr (History).

Click Read More to go the homepage story and watch the video.

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Last Modified: February 8, 2023


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