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Video addressed to teachers from the First Peoples’ storytelling (FPPSE) project

March 23rd, 2021

“…as a teacher, I think you don’t have the sole responsibility of teaching a curriculum, you have the responsibility of being acquainted with your student, and knowing their strengths as well as the emotional pitfalls or whatever struggles that they’re going through. Because if you don’t, then you’re not reaching them. It just takes a bit of your time, compassion and understanding.“

“My first year I never went to see my teachers. I was too shy, I never had that role before. I never had to ask an adult for help for something so serious like school. After a year, I realized that teachers are nice. And I can actually go ask them questions.”

“Your language and how you speak, it’s the simplest things in the world that could really affect a person’s educational outcome so it’s really important that our identities are considered.”

-Quotes from First Peoples' Post-Secondary Storytelling Exchange (FPPSE) storytellers 

In this 20-minute video produced by the First Peoples' Post-Secondary Storytelling Exchange, Indigenous students and families share experiences of post-secondary education, offer suggestions for teachers and make recommendations for creating safe learning environments.

Click Read More to watch the video.

DawsonAI coordinator in Billie Holiday film

March 23rd, 2021

Myriam Dimanche of the DawsonAI team (pictured in costume) had an interesting experience in the Fall of 2019 and now you can see her on film! In her own words:

I was an extra in the Lee Daniels film The United States vs. Billie Holiday and it's !
Fun facts:
  • Yes, I did meet Andra Day. 
  • The director Lee Daniels was pretty easy to work with. He gave nice pep talks, especially when we were shooting long hours.
  • My scenes were basically cut. You just see my faded figure cross behind as Jimmy Fletcher enters the jazz club Café Society (at approx. 00:05:10). And there's another scene where you can see my blue dress (at approx. 01:12:35).

Click Read More to see some of Myriam's costumes on her Instagram post. 

In solidarity with women for IWD

March 9th, 2021

On March 8, International Women's Day was marked around the world.

At ýCollege, the day is usually celebrated with special gatherings, sales to raise funds for women's causes and more. Yesterday, the Association of ýProfessionals (ADP) and the ýSupport Staff Union (DSSU) made donations. In honour of IWD, the ADP gave a donation to the Native Women's Shelter of Montreal and the DSSU made a donation to Chez Doris.

The ýTeachers Union, the ADP and the DSSU invited members to use a special Zoom background to show support for women in the community.

Read more about: Message from the Director General

Message from the Director General

March 9th, 2021

Dear colleagues, This Thursday will mark one year since the global pandemic was declared. A few days later, our work life was radically transformed. Over the past year, I have been impressed by your resourcefulness and dedication despite enormous challenges. ýhas risen to the occasion and once again proved to be a community of…

Read more about: Recommended video and media coverage of FPPSE storytelling project

Recommended video and media coverage of FPPSE storytelling project

March 9th, 2021

Some media coverage of the FPPSE project:  CBC Breakaway interview with me and Concordia student Lucina Gordon: https://www.cbc.ca/listen/live-radio/1-79-breakaway/clip/15826578-a-storytelling-project-help-indigenous-students-post-secondary-education Radio Canada: https://bit.ly/3bcozUZ Winschgaoug, CBC North Interview with ýstudent Alexandria Matthews in Cree https://www.cbc.ca/listen/live-radio/1-146-winschgaoug-cree/clip/15824821-alexandria-matthews-participates-first-peoples-post-secondary-storytelling-exchange?fbclid=IwAR3ZBNwY64SNXiErLvtwNoVuEPywOd31vB-0mtvumPVFl9xPRy_naxh_J8E The Link, Concordia paper: https://thelinknewspaper.ca/article/feature/new-virtual-project-aims-to-improve-indigenous-students-access-to-post-secondary-education Noovo NVL Web TV Interview with Michelle at 4:12 https://noovo.ca/videos/nvl/nvl-du-18-fevrier-2021 FPPSE project website: https://fppse.net/ 

Sustainable Happiness in the news

March 9th, 2021

The Sustainable Happiness course was featured in a French article in the March 8 e-newsletter Infolettre Réseau Collégial. Chris Adam (Sustainability) and Selma Hamdani (Faculty, Psychology) were interviewed.

Click Read More to go to the story.

March 19 is a global day for climate action

March 9th, 2021

Events are being planned all over Quebec, Canada and the world on March 19, an international day for climate action.

Dawson's Green Earth Club wanted to let the ýcommunity know that there's a protest being planned in Montreal by local climate and social justice groups:

to invite the ýcommunity to get involved.

Two Black Changemakers connected to Dawson

March 9th, 2021

Two of the people honoured last month as Black Changemakers by CBC Quebec are connected to Dawson.

Division 1 Women’s Basketball coach Trevor Williams was featured Feb. 23:

ýgraduate Denburk Reid (Class of 2000, Marketing and Management Technology) was featured Feb. 10:

CBC Radio Let’s Go was at Dawson

February 23rd, 2021

CBC Radio reporter Shahroze Rauf was on site at ýCollege on Feb. 22 to see how in-person learning is going. He conducted live interviews during the afternoon program Let's Go.

Part 1 featuring interview with Maxwell Jones (Associate Dean, SMSE):

Part 2 featuring interviews with two students in Diagnostic Imaging:

Join Montreal Kneels for Change Wednesday at 8:15 p.m.

February 23rd, 2021

ýgraduate Denburk Reid (Class of 2000, Marketing and Management Technology) has organized Montreal Kneels for Change, a live event on Instagram on Feb. 24. The goals are to raise awareness of local social justice issues, honour the life of Sheffield Matthews and denounce the injustices committed against Mamadi III Fara Camara.

“As a community, we must come together and demonstrate our solidarity,” Denburk said.

We are invited to:

  • join the Instagram Live event on Wednesday, Feb. 24 at 8:15 p.m.
  • take a photo standing with your hand on your heart
  • share the photo on your social media using the hashtag #kneelsforchange and ٲٱ峦dzܲԾٲ峦.


More info:

Instagram page of Montreal Community Cares:

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Last Modified: March 23, 2021


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