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Read more about: Sameer Bhatnagar is new QAPO Coordinator

Sameer Bhatnagar is new QAPO Coordinator

January 25th, 2023

Sameer Bhatnagar has been appointed the new coordinator of the Quality Assurance and Planning Office (QAPO) effective Jan. 30. Sameer began teaching in the Physics department at ýin 2009. Since 2015, he has also been a member of the Science Program Committee. In addition, he was Coordinator of the Explorations Science pathway, and was…

In memoriam: Mike Dellar

January 25th, 2023

We regret to inform you that Civil Engineering Department faculty member Mike Dellar passed away at his residence on Jan.12. He had been a member of the ýcommunity since 2010. 

Stephen Hinton wrote: "Mike was a huge part of the Civil Engineering department and the college as a whole. His dedication to student success, as well as the health and future of his department, were inspiring and will leave a lasting impression."

Click Read More to go to the obituary.

New faces in OAD

November 30th, 2022

The Office of Academic Development welcomes new team members. Tannia Ditchburn, Pedagogical Counsellor - Program Life Cycle, started in mid-November. Tannia comes with 20 years of teaching experience in high school, a number of years of experience as a pedagogical counselor at Mariannopolis and Vanier College, and studies in the field of education. She will be supporting programs in the processes of program revision, course design and eventually program evaluation.

On Nov. 29, Kanerahtiio Hemlock, Pedagogical Counsellor – Indigenous Pedagogy began a Special Project at Dawson. Kanerahtiio brings 15 years of experience in teaching in Kahnawake education. He has already worked as an Indigenous pedagogical consultant at ýa few years ago and has been a consultant for various colleges and universities. He will be working on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. His primary responsibility will be to provide support to faculty in Indigenous pedagogical approaches and resources, indigenization and decolonization.

Carole Duplantie has also joined the Team as Administrative secretary in mid-November. Carole has experience in diverse departments at the College, and has been in an administrative secretary role in other positions.

In memoriam: Mara Gutmanis Grey

November 30th, 2022


New Coordinator of Renovations

November 16th, 2022

Samuel Vallery Saint-Hilaire is our new Coordinator of Renovations on Dawson’s Facilities Management team. Under the supervision of Wai Bong Shum, Samuel will be working alongside Jorge Sanchez, Coordinator of Auxiliary Services.

“We are delighted to welcome Samuel to the team,” Wai said. “He has the right background for the role and he brings his engineer thinking to our work.”

A graduate of École Polytechnique, Samuel is a member of the Ordre des Ingénieurs du Québec. His most recent experience was with Bombardier. Samuel’s first day at ýwas Oct. 31.

Read more about: In memoriam: Cin | Comm graduate and Mi’gmaq filmmaker Jeff Barnaby

In memoriam: Cin | Comm graduate and Mi’gmaq filmmaker Jeff Barnaby

October 19th, 2022

Acclaimed Mi’gmaq filmmaker and ýCinema| Communications alumni, Jeff Barnaby died on October 13, 2022 at the age of 46, after a year-long battle with cancer. Jeff was an immensely gifted and highly original filmmaker whose exceptional talents were clear from the start. Fresh out of film school, his early, surrealistic shorts From Cherry English…

New Manager of Scheduling and Registration

October 19th, 2022

Sean Frenette succeeds Orphée Pierre as the new Manager of Scheduling and Registration in the Registrar’s Office.

While this is a new role for Sean, he has worked at ýsince 2000 and is well known and appreciated by his colleagues.

“We are so excited to welcome Sean in this new role,” said Julie Brosseau, Associate Dean of Academic Systems. “He has been a reliable member of our team for more than 18 years. It was important for us to promote from within our team. We see great potential in Sean and we are gaining all his years of experience and knowledge.”

In addition to his long service at Dawson, Sean is one of our graduates - Class of 1999, Creative Arts. Sean began his new job on Oct. 17.

Joel Tyrrell’s retirement featured by CBC News Montreal

September 7th, 2022

Joel Tyrrell's retirement on Aug. 19 made the news! CBC News Montreal ran a feature story about him looking back on his 49-year career and his impact at ýand in the community.

To find the Aug. 28 CBC story, click on the Read More link and then search for Joel Tyrrell. (The story is live but the direct links are glitchy)

Recognition of Service … and a good time was had by all

August 24th, 2022

The large room in 3C.1 was dressed up in its finest to receive the 130 guests during the Recognition of Service reception and dinner. It was the largest gathering of its kind in ýhistory as the retirees from 2019-2022 were celebrated as were employees marking 25, 26 and 27 years of service.

The trend toward retirement truly showed itself as there were more than three times as many retirements, 101, as there were in the group marking the years of service, 33. The mood was light and convivial, and those in attendance were happy to reconnect after long absences due to campus shutdown or having taken retirement.

The last honouree to be presented with a gift and certificate was former Director General Richard Filion who retired in December 2020. He received a rousing introduction by Michael Goldwax, Chair of the Board of Governors, which was met with equally rousing remarks from Richard, who spoke of his admiration for the ýcommunity, its spirit and its resolve, and to continue to fight the good fight for the benefit of our students.

Photo Gallery available here: /dzܲԾپDzԲ-Ǵڴھ/𳦴DzԾپDz-Ǵ-/

Read more about: News from the Communications Office

News from the Communications Office

August 24th, 2022

On Aug. 22, Director General Diane Gauvin welcomed back Megan Ainscow as the Head of Communications. “I am most grateful to Donna Varrica for leading the Communications Office for the last year,” Diane said. “It was an action-packed year and we are fortunate that we could count on Donna’s experience and wise counsel.” Donna will…

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Last Modified: January 25, 2023


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