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Garden gifts and volunteering spread joy

September 22nd, 2020

Despite the pandemic, the Sustainabili-Team volunteers and the Sustainability Office planted vegetable gardens and distributed the produce throughout the summer.

Click Read More for the homepage news story.

Maclean’s magazine features ýin 2-page spread

September 22nd, 2020

ýCollege, our environmental profiles in Social Science and Science and our Sustainability Office are featured in Maclean's 2021 Canadian Colleges Guidebook, now available in print on news stands across Canada.

A two-page spread on pages 38-39 features a report by Jennifer Lewington entitled Where green is all there is to be that is accompanied by a large photo of our Sustainabili-Team volunteers working in the Theatre Garden this summer.Jennifer spoke to Chris Adam of the Sustainability Office, faculty members Anna-Liisa Aunio and Brian Mader and student John Nathaniel Gertler, who mentioned that he switched to ýfor our environmental offerings.

Drop by the Sustainability Office or Communications Office to consult a copy.

Zooming from the Peace Garden

September 22nd, 2020

Johanna Stosik (Student Services) snapped this beautiful photo of faculty member Melanie Doyle teaching outdoors last week.

"I got to meet some of my students for the first time during a gardening activity in the Peace Garden and taught my course on Zoom from the stump," Melanie said.

"I always love teaching from the Peace Garden, COVID or not! It's such a beautiful, calming and inspirational space; I'll forever be mindful of why we have the Peace Garden and whenever I'm in it, I feel a heightened awareness to be my best self and try to connect with my students on a deeper level."

Dawson’s majestic trees to be replaced

September 22nd, 2020

Facilities Management hired a forest engineer to evaluate Dawson’s  trees and nine showed major structural problems.

For safety reasons, they needed to be cut down. One native silver maple over 100 years old and four non-native Norway maples were cut on the Sherbrooke side of the building while other smaller chestnut trees and maples were cut on the Atwater Street side.

As part of Dawson’s climate action and landscape initiatives, a variety of large trees that are native to Quebec will be replacing the cut trees. They will be part of a tree planting effort to maximize shade on paved areas and cool our property during the summer months.

We will welcome these “living machines” that filter air, store carbon, produce oxygen and provide habitat for countless living things this Fall.

Photo credit: Debbie Resurreccion
Debbie says this photo is of a Norway maple, which was over 100 years old. Now, it serves as a nurse log and fosters biodiversity on campus.

Peace Week continues until this Friday

September 22nd, 2020

Peace Week continues until Friday, Sept. 25.

Click Read More to go to the schedule.

Meditation Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays

September 8th, 2020

As part of Dawson's commitment to well-being for all, everyone is welcome to join faculty members Johanne Rabbat, Madeleine Côté and Daniel Goldsmith for meditation sessions every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 2-2:30 p.m. No experience is necessary; instruction will be provided. Sessions begin Tuesday, Sept. 8 and will continue until the end of classes.

Link to join in Read More.

Read more about: Come Bixi with us!

Come Bixi with us!

September 8th, 2020

Need good reasons to try cycling? Several of your colleagues have taken up Bixi’ing as a means to get to Dawson. Give it a try – ýis offering a one-month free trial! Get in touch with Richard Dugas of Facilities Management for more information about bicycle routes, deals or ideas or for other bicycle-related questions….

Procedural mask or cloth mask?

September 8th, 2020

Do you know when you should use a reusable cloth mask or a procedural mask? If you are spending more than 15 minutes with someone, a procedural mask is the recommended option.

Click Read More to find out more about the masks and how they are to be used in Dawson's Health and Hygiene Protocols.

Read more about: 200 Monarch butterflies released at ýand around Montreal

200 Monarch butterflies released at ýand around Montreal

August 25th, 2020

This year the Sustainability Office did the Monarch Nursery project a little differently. Usually employees foster Monarch butterfly chrysalises as a team in their offices. This year, employees brought their chrysalises home to share the amazing experience with their families and neighbours. “During these unknown and different times, it seems the monarch chrysalises have brought…

Read more about: A great time to start biking to the College!

A great time to start biking to the College!

August 25th, 2020

Facilities Management and ýSustainability have formed a bicycle committee in hopes of getting you to consider bicycling to Dawson. The pandemic has seen a substantial rise in people using bicycles and the City of Montreal has accelerated accompanying infrastructure in order to promote this advantageous way of getting around. Bicycling is cheap, solves traffic,…

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Last Modified: September 22, 2020


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