April 14: Seeking understanding: as an ally and an activist


Through the seeking understanding discussion participants will learn concrete techniques as allies when supporting those who have experienced or witnessed racism or prejudice, and for engaging in difficult conversations as an activist.

Speakers include Annick Maugile Flavien and Audrey Greenberg.

  • Annick is a Black community advocate, a creative scholar, the founding coordinator of the Black Perspectives Office (BPO), and a Co-chair on the President’s Task Force on Anti-Black Racism at Concordia University.
  • Audrey holds a Masters of Education and is the Chairperson of the Student Diversity & Inclusion Office at John Abbott College. She is a certified Diversity Trainer, member of the Table Intercollégiale Intervention Interculturelle, and member of La Table Nationale de Lutte Contre L’Homophobie et la Transphobie des Réseaux de L’Éducation.

Please join your college peers from other Montreal CEGEPs in this important discussion.

April 14 – 5:30 -7 p.m.

Meeting ID: 977 7738 3111
Passcode: voices

Last Modified: April 7, 2021