Peace Week 2020 is Sept. 13-25


While it seems like it was only yesterday that the world came to a shuddering stop, it also feels like this pandemic has been going on for over 600 years.

In this strange too-short-too-long span of time, we have witnessed and lived through an entire history book of events, movements and phenomena. Though they may seem to be divisive on the surface, the past six months have forced us to stop and listen to the under-heard voices and to see the inequities that need to be addressed.

Need to change 
In short, the past six months have told us that we need to change, and we need to change our society. We are given an opportunity to not only do better, but to be better.

This year’s Peace Week will focus on exactly that.

Continuing the conversation 
It is through Continuing the Conversation that we can Reimagine the paths of healing, Rebuilding our societies, and Reconnecting through justice, sustainability, and peace. Each strand is tightly woven together: we cannot distinguish one way from the other.

It is only by working together, hearing each others’ stories and learning from each other that we can move forward stronger than before.

Three ways to continue the conversation 
Each event in this year’s Peace Week touches upon one of the three ways we can continue the conversation. It is my hope that by joining us, you too will add your voice, and help us carry our conversations into creating a just, sustainable, and peaceful community.

Visit the Peace Week page
Schedule and more info: /peace-week/

Last Modified: August 25, 2020