Push-up challenge for staff and students


From now through Feb. 23, all staff and students are invited to participate in the Push-up Challenge.

How it works:

  • Sign up as an individual or a team:
  • Download the app and track your progress there
  • Do 2,000 reps of any exercise (Feel free  to do lunges, squats , skipping rope, jumping jacks, whatever works for you! You do what you can/want)

Both staff and students can win prizes, sponsored by Human Resources and Student Services.

  • $500 in prizes for staff (four individual prizes of $50 and three team prizes of $100)
  • Great way to take a micro break from work
  • Improve your health
  • Feel good!

Visit the Push-up Challenge station: Upper Atrium 12 PM to 1 PM every day until Feb. 23.

For all the details to participate, visit the link

Last Modified: February 8, 2024