R.I.P. Nick Gabrilopoulos


The presence of Nick Gabrilopoulos is still felt in the Department.

He set up our website, edited and posted our website profiles. He catalogued and made working copies of many materials we still use. He also helped many of us in setting up our courses, especially the hardest ones – the methods courses.

Nick had the reputation of a tough teacher – strict with deadlines, uncompromising, with a “no BS” attitude.  However, I heard from students that he was also a fair teacher, properly awarding effort and performance. A brilliant mind, his courses were well prepared and you could learn a lot in them, if you only made an effort.

Most of us also knew that Nick was a generous soul. He would give good, prompt advice and a helping hand when asked. I was never friends with Nick. However, when I was a new teacher and struggling with developing my courses, Nick not only gave me advice. He literally gave me courses: outlines, assignment handouts, lab handouts and detailed lesson plans. I was not the only one who received that kind of help from him.

I will miss Nick.

Remembered by Maciek Domanski

Last Modified: March 3, 2020