SPACE presents Dr. Sabrina Leslie at ScienceFest 2020


(Sciences Participating with Arts and Culture in Education) is pleased to present Dr. Sabrina Leslie for ScienceFest on Friday, May 8 at 1 p.m.

Dr. Leslie is an Associate Professor of Physics and Quantitative Life Sciences at McGill University and the principle investigator at the where her research focusses on the fascinating behaviour of macromolecules in squeezed, crowded, and complex environments; conditions which reflect the biochemistry inside living cells. She is also the co-founder of , a Canadian startup company whose mandate is to bring single-molecule precision and control to real-world applications.

Most recently, Dr. Leslie has been awarded the 2020 Young Investigator Award from the Biophysical Society of Canada for her outstanding contributions to the field of single-molecule biophysics.

ScienceFest is going virtual for 2020! Dr. Leslie will deliver this plenary talk to complement an array of student talks in this scaled down version of the 6th annual student-centered conference.

The talk is open to all; please RSVP at if you would like to attend.

The ScienceFest 2020 Schedule is here: /science-fest/schedule2020/

For all other inquiries about ScienceFest, please contact one of the conference organizers: Nadim Boukhira, Brian Mader, Joel Trudeau.



Last Modified: May 5, 2020