Quebec government is investing $19.4 million to foster the success and persistence in school of Indigenous students

To support and improve the success and persistence in school of Indigenous students, the Québec government is investing $19.4 million to implement three measures covering direct student support, instructional material, and program review. Minister of Education Jean-François Roberge and Minister Responsible for Indigenous Affairs Ian Lafrenière made the announcement on November 30, accompanied by MNA for Nicolet-Bécancour Donald Martel and Denis Gros-Louis, Director General of the FNEC and Co-chair of the Table nationale sur la réussite éducative des élèves autochtones.

The government wishes, in this way, to implement the recommendations of the Inquiry Commission on Relations Between Indigenous Peoples and Certain Public Services in Québec: Listening, Reconciliation and Progress, and the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, which demanded concrete action in the realm of education.

Ensuring that Indigenous history and realities occupy their proper place in courses of study and offering such notions as soon as possible in school paths will, in particular, enhance persistence in school and educational success, in addition to increasing the graduation rate of Indigenous students.

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Last Modified: December 1, 2021