
Elizabeth (Liz) Charles

Department of Pedagogical Research, Photography

Elizabeth (Liz) Charles’ research over the past nine years has been dedicated to understanding the impact of pedagogical and techno-pedagogical innovations on students’ learning and how these might be designed to better support learners’ needs. Most recently Liz, along with colleagues from Dawson, Vanier and John Abbott College, was awarded her fifth consecutive  grant. This work will involve the examination of pedagogical ecosystems created in active learning classrooms and the implications of the learning activities and artifacts. She is a co-researcher on a SSHRC grant with researchers from the UniversitĂ© de Montrèal, which focuses on the effects of new learning spaces on motivation and cognitive engagement.

Contributions to Dawson’s Community

Is the co-Director of  (Supporting Active Learning & Technological Innovation in Science Education), a consortium of CEGEP and University educators that promote  “pedagogical change involving innovations in instruction and leveraging the use of educational technology to promote learning”. In addition to supporting the development of a community of practice, SALTISE hosts annual conferences.


  • Charles, E.S, Whittaker, C., Lasry, N., Dugdale, M., Lenton, K., Bhatnagar, S.,Guillemette, J. ” Taking DALITE To the Next Level: What have we learned from a web-based peer instruction application.” Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2014).International Society of the Learning Sciences: Boulder, CO.
  • Charles, E.S., Whittaker, C., & Lasry, N. ” Taking DALITE To the Next Level: What have we learned from a web-based Peer Instruction application.” Paper presented at 33rd annual AQPC symposium: Laval, QC.
  • Charles, E., Whittaker, C., & Lasry, N. (2014). “Active Learning Classroom Use in College Level Physics: The impact of technology design and adaptive orchestration.” Symposium entitled: Space and Technologies for Learning in Schools, Museums and Workplaces: Recent Approaches in Design-Based Research.” Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA): Philadelphia, PA.
  • Charles, E., Lasry, N., et Whittaker, C. “L’adoption d’environnements sociotechnologiques comme moteur de changement pĂ©dagogique.” PĂ©dagogie CollĂ©giale, 26 (3).
  • Lasry, N., Dugdale, M. & Charles, E.  ” Just in Time to Flip Your Classroom.” The Physics Teacher, 52(1): 34-37.
  • Lasry, N., Dugdale, M. et Charles, E. (2014). “Zut! J’ai renversĂ© ma pĂ©dagogie.”  PĂ©dagogie CollĂ©giale, 27, hiver.
  • Lasry, N., Charles, E., & Whittaker, C. ” When teacher-centered instructors are assigned to student-centered classrooms.”  Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research, 10(1), 010116.
  • Lasry, N., E. Charles, C. Whittaker, H Dedic, S Rosenfield (2013). “Changing classroom designs: Easy; Changing instructors’ pedagogies: Not so easy.”  AIP Conf. Proc. (1513), AIP Press, Melville NY.


  • Charles, E.S, Whittaker, C., Lasry, N., Dugdale, M., Lenton, K., Bhatnagar, S.,Guillemette, J. ” Taking DALITE To the Next Level: What have we learned from a web-based peer instruction application.” Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2014).International Society of the Learning Sciences: Boulder, CO.

Last Modified: June 15, 2016