SSAP Projects


Full Year
Fall 2017 - Winter 2018


CINEMA POLITICA is a Montreal-based media arts, non-profit network of community and campus locals that screen independent political film and video by Canadian and international artists throughout Canada and abroad. Cinema Politica – ýwill promote documentaries and engage students in discussions on political cinema by independent artists, with an emphasis on Canadian works. The main...
September 13th, 2017

History Field Trip & Workshop in Kahnawake

The students of the learning communities class Counting the Cost: Social Justice in Canada? will have the opportunity to visit the community of Kahnawake – including guided visits to the cultural centre, the village itself, and a longhouse. This field trip has been designed and organized by Kahnawake tourism officer Wakenhnhiiohstha Montour.
Full Year
Fall 2017 - Winter 2018

ýReading Series 17-18

The ýReading Series hopes to continue this year, with one writer visiting in the fall and another in the winter 2018 semester (TBD). We publicize these events to students and always get a good turnout and positive feedback.
Full Year
Fall 2017 - Winter 2018

ýEnglish Journal 17-18

The ýEnglish Journal is an academic journal, published online and in print, which features compositions written by ýstudents for their English courses (and related subjects). The journal is run by an editorial team made up of students. We get submissions of assignments from students across all programs, and we publish them so that...


May 29th - June 8th, 2017

Irish History & Culture Abroad 2017

“Irish History & Culture Abroad” compliments the activities of History Course 330-325-DW, Class Abroad: Ireland (Winter 2017), which is designed to take students from the classroom to the field to apply learned knowledge in History and Classics. Students are meant to participate in an engaged learning environment. They will travel, visit, observe, present, and discuss...
May 11th, 2017

Liberal Arts Anthology 2017

The Liberal Arts Anthology is an annual project culminating in the publication of essays, short stories, poems, photographs, drawings, etc. by 1st & 2nd year students in the program. The project is run entirely by students (planning, coordinating collaborators, editing, desktop publishing). The theme of the anthology is different every year and reflects the diverse...
April 13th, 2017

Trip to Old Prison of Trois-Rivières 2017

Students will visit the Old Prison of Trois-Rivières which was built in 1822-1823 and is now part of the musée québécois de culture populaire. The visit also includes a group session with an ex-convict who will describe the harsh reality of prison life in the 1970s and 1980s, just before the prison closed its doors. The visit...
April 10th & 12th, 2017

Stop-motion French Revolution

In this workshop, History students will create short stop-motion videos that capture the drama and division of certain episodes during the French Revolution or inspired by it, such as the Haitian Revolution. The students will work in groups of 6, taking on various roles such as writer, director, set builder and so on. They will...
April 9th, 2017

ýCase Competition 2017

The ýCase Competition offers teams from participating CEGEPs across Quebec the opportunity to demonstrate their presentation skills and business acumen by analyzing, assessing and solving a business case. The Competition will take place on Sunday, April 9, 2017. In 2017, for the first time in its history, the competition will feature four streams: accounting/finance, marketing, entrepreneurship,...
April 3rd & 6th, 2017

Akwé:konskàtne/Maamuu: Journeys in Leadership

Akwé:konskàtne/Maamuu: Journeys in Leadership combines experiential learning and a strength-based approach to building academic skills while celebrating indigenous identity and culture. Students will be the coordinators and managers of this project. It includes: 1) Children’s Day: ýJourneys students will plan, organize and host a program for Indigenous Awareness Days Children’s Day on April 6. 100 students...

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