SSAP Projects


November 14th - 18th, 2016

EWEEK 2016

From November 14th to 17th, an estimated 20 million people participated worldwide in 35,000 events and competitions for Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW). At ýCollege in Montreal, EWeek events included a diverse and inspiring lineup of speakers,mentors, networking opportunities, contests and activities for students, alumni and the Montreal community. To mark the event’s 5th anniversary,...
November 14th - 17th, 2016

EWEEK 2016

This is the fifth edition of EWEEK!  ýCollege’s Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education is proud to announce Eweek 2016. Set to coincide with Global Entrepreneurship Week, this 5-day intensive and intense entrepreneurial boot camp will bring together budding entrepreneurs and the business community for a series of unforgettable events. EWeek has attracted as many as 2500 participants in the...


June 3rd - 5th, 2016

CSSRA Rowing Championships 2016

The CSSRA regatta which takes place annually in St. Catharine’s Ontario is the championship scholastic regatta for Canadian youth under 19 which includes secondary school students from across Canada and the United States as well as CEGEP students in Quebec. The CSSRA Regatta perennially represents the culmination of the rowing year for all of our...
March 7th - 11th, 2016

International Women’s Week

ýstudents and faculty collaborated to organize Dawson’s first International Women’s Week. From March 7-11, we hosted over a dozen speakers and engaged several hundred students in discussion and various activities related to gender inequality. The speakers addressed a variety of issues and topics, such as violence against Indigenous women, empowering impoverished Columbian women, prevention and...
February 18th - 21st, 2016

Model UN: NAMUN Conference & CANIMUN Conference

Thirty-six members of the ýCollege Model United Nations society (DCMUN) represented ýCollege at the North American Model UN conference (NAMUN), organized by the University of Toronto. NAMUN is Canada’s oldest Model UN simulation, and attracted over 400 delegates from across North America. The delegates engaged in debate across a challenging slate of committees, addressing historical...
February – July 2016

Sustainable Campuses 2016

The Sustainable Campuses Initiative has as a main objective to create opportunities for knowledge exchange on Campus Sustainability between ýCollege and partner post secondary institutions in Mexico. Student involvement in this initiative is key.  ýstudents engage directly through participating in an institutional exchange which has been designed as an “internship”. Students spend a...
February – November 2016

ýGardens 2016

ýGardens aims to provide active learning opportunities to ýstudents through experience in planning, planting, and maintaining organic vegetable gardens on Dawson’s rooftops. The ýGardens team contributes to community and environmental sustainability on campus by providing fresh, healthy, affordable and locally grown food to the ýCommunity. Finally, we contribute to food security and...
November 13th - 20th, 2015

EWeek 2015

eweek 2015
From November 13th to the 20th, an estimated 17 million people participated worldwide in 35,000 events and competitions for Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW). At ýCollege in Montreal, EWeek events included a diverse and inspiring lineup of speakers, mentors, networking opportunities, contests and activities for students, alumni and the Montreal community. The two-day public sector...
Full Year
September 1st, 2015 - May 31st, 2016

S.P.A.C.E. 2015-2016

In the 2015/2016 academic year, S.P.A.C.E. hosted and participated in twenty one events. The events were well attended with over 1,700 students, faculty and staff present and 750 students and faculty actively engaged in one or more projects. Most of these events related to this year’s theme: VISION(S). The events were highly varied and unique, the numbers...


March 12th - 22nd, 2015

Rowing Team Training Camp 2015

This year 30 rowers were able to take advantage of this training camp opportunity. The men and women’s crew teams at ýCollege travelled to the training facilities in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. This venue is extremely popular with many scholastic programs from across the northeast of the U.S. as well as Ontario. At Oak Ridge,...

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