ALC Festival 2017

May 1st - 11th, 2017

The Art, Literature and Communication (ALC) festival is a student-centered event that is designed to engage students from the planning stages to the presenting of all the some 30 events. This festival celebrates the work of our students beyond the classroom, giving them a greater arena to showcase their work.

ALC 2017 Program

Project Update

In addition to the presentations made by students, the 2017 ALC Festival also offered six separate events: Chinese Tea Ceremony, Kung fu Workshop,  Bubble tea tasting, Chinese Painting Workshop, and a lecture on Chinese movies and music by Dr. Wanning Wang. ýlanguage teacher Joy Cheng Yu Lin was responsible for bringing this contribution to the festival. The six event was “closer to home”: traditional Quebec music performed by Gaston Bernard.

The festival featured one play, a student organized Open Mic (two of the three judges were students), a story-telling event, students reading original work, Studio Arts vernissage (IA event) Arts, a sculpture exhibition, a poetry slam (contest), the Arts and Culture Gala (IA event), Media Night, and several interactive media installations.

Eight students received awards for their integrating activities, three for poetry, and three for a musical performances.

The focus of the festival is always on student-produced work. This is the strength of this festival as well as one of the prevailing difficulties. Our festival must be held at the end of the semester—–the end of the academic year when students are able to present the body of their work. Yet despite the challenge of scheduling, the festival was well attended: approximately 3000 in attendance over the two weeks of the festival.

Last Modified: November 2, 2017