Sustainable °®¶¹´«Ã½Augmented Reality (AR) Tour

April 24th - 24th, 2019

The Cinema and Communications students come together in groups to create various interactive activities. Each group is responsible for designing an interactive activity using AR technology related to one of the various Sustainable °®¶¹´«Ã½initiatives scattered around °®¶¹´«Ã½Campus much like a scavenger hunt. All of the different activities are then combined by the students to create one big coherent tour that will be presented to the student population on the day of the Sustainable °®¶¹´«Ã½Augmented Reality (AR) Tour (April 24).

This student run event is designed to engage the participants. They will be invited on a tour of the College with the aid of an iPad or their smartphones. These devices along with QR codes will add a layer of information and make it a much more interactive and fun experience. Various media (videos, posters, infographics, sms, etc.) will illuminate the numerous sustainability initiatives of the Living Campus.  This AR experience is intended to be used on the day of the event (April 24) as well as to be usable (sustainable) afterwards.

Last Modified: April 16, 2019