Augmented Reality Experiences

May 7th, 2018

On May 7th, 2018 at 2:00 pm in Dawson’s lower atrium, the Cinema Communications program will be contributing to the ongoing project to create a virtual map of the college through quick response (QR) codes. Students of Jesse Hunter’s Integrated Activity course will be conducting augmented reality tours of Dawson. There are three unique tours planned for this iteration of the project: a sustainability tour, a Cin|com tour and an everything but tour, including The Plant, Women & Gender studies, SPACE, and Clubs & Services. There will be prizes, refreshments and merry-making in this student run event.

Project Update

On May 07, 2018 Jesse Hunter's Integrating Activity class participated in an ongoing augmented reality (AR) project of mapping the college. In this iteration of the AR project the students created three experiential maps at Dawson:

The sustainability map aimed to expose participants to all the sustainability initiatives here at Dawson. It comprised three paths including path 1: the forest floor, the recycling corner, bee colonies, Sustainability Offices and the First People’s initiative; path 2, the peace garden, composting, rooftop garden and the meadow; path 3: the peace garden, recycling corner and butterflies. The posters for this event were plasticized for future use, making them sustainable as well.

A tour of Cincom took three paths: path 1 was an introduction to pre-production, path 2 was an introduction to production and path 3 was an introduction to post-production. Students were then asked to do a questionnaire at the end and won prizes.

The third map was an everything but category which aimed to introduce students to the clubs, the Plant and the °®¶¹´«Ã½Theatre Collective.

The event was a modest success. Approximately 80 students were involved directly or indirectly. The students animating the event learned to bring an idea to fruition through a collaborative effort. What’s more, as this is an ongoing project, future groups will be able to build on these students' efforts

Last Modified: June 19, 2018