Cinema-Communications: Power to the People

May 4th, 2017

“Power to the People” brings together two Arts + Culture graduating classes in the production of an innovative multi-disciplinary exhibition and poster campaign celebrating the power of collective action to advance social and political change. The exhibition will include theatrical, musical, media, inter-active, literary and visual artworks to be presented as a program of ‘performances’ unfolding over the course of an evening event. At the same time we will launch a ‘poster book’, gathering posters designed by each student/collaborative team to promote the issues and interests addressed in each work.

Project Update

Power to the People involved an evening exhibition-event and poster-book launch.  The event was organized by two groups of Arts & Culture students.  In addition to creating and presenting polished individual and collaborative creative projects – multi-media works, poetry, prose, book-works, sculptural and photographic works as well as musical and theatrical performances – each student produced a poster for the poster publication that distilled the themes of their individual projects. Students took charge of designing the exhibition installation, fundraising, advertising and promotion (they developed an active social media presence and designed posters and banners to be distributed throughout Dawson) as well as installing, documenting and disassembling the installation

The event was open to the ýcommunity, with family and friends also invited. It was well received with over 150 in enthusiastic guests in attendance. Take a look at the art work designed by students in the Power to the People_Published Booklet.

Last Modified: November 2, 2017