°®¶¹´«Ã½English Journal 17-18

Fall 2017 - Winter 2018

The °®¶¹´«Ã½English Journal is an academic journal, published online and in print, which features compositions written by °®¶¹´«Ã½students for their English courses (and related subjects). The journal is run by an editorial team made up of students. We get submissions of assignments from students across all programs, and we publish them so that friends, family and the general public can see what great thinking, reading, and writing °®¶¹´«Ã½students are doing in their courses.

Project Update

The 9th edition of the °®¶¹´«Ã½English Journal was a resounding success. This year, we had 6 student editors work closely together to consider, select, and then edit student submissions to include in the issue. In the end, they decided to publish a total of 14 essays in print and online and an additional 3 only for the online version. Considering the student editors and student authors combined, a total of 22 students were involved in this project ( one editor was also an author who had two essays published). If we include those students who submitted but whose essays were not chosen, the total rises to 46. We believe that even the unsuccessful authors benefit from the experience, especially given that we offer feedback on their submissions should they wish to receive it. The student editors were involved in
every step of the process. We believe that this experience benefits them enormously. They get to work with peers and faculty to see a project through to fruition. They also get to consider the mechanics of writing from a very different perspective than they are usually afforded in their courses. This year, the student editors were also involved in planning and holding a launch party at the end of the semester. It was well-attended and well-received. This launch event allows the student authors to meet each other and the editorial committee - a refreshing change after so many months of email! At the end of this year's journal, we produced another beautifully-bound edition of which all those involved - student editors, student authors, and faculty members - can be very proud. A number of students related how exciting it was to see their work and their names in print The funds allowed us to print the hard copies which we distributed freely to students.

Last Modified: June 19, 2018