Deans’ Choice Awards 2018

May 22nd, 2018

Originally launched in 2011 as a promotional aspect of the now Studio Arts Profile of the pre-university Arts, Literature and Communications Program, the DCA was moved in 2013 to form Student Success recognition within the Applied Arts ý of the Visual Arts Sector for the work of their graduating students.

The Awards are an allocation of $500 granted to one of the Visual Arts Sector ý on a rotating basis Judged by a jury of three or four Deans associated with the College.  The student work is scrutinized within the framework of a certain set of pre-established criteria unique to each Program. A selection from the work of the First Prize winner is later displayed near the Boardroom of the College on a permanent basis.

In May 2018, the Deans’ Choice Awards will be presented to students in the Interior Design Program. There is a $300 1st prize and uniquely 3 Honourable mentions of $100 each.

Project Update

The annual Deans`Choice Awards took place this year on May 22nd,2018 to a very crowded vernissage at the Darling Foundry in Griffintown for Dawson’s Interior Design.The awards were granted to Interior Design this year as they are rotated through the various Visual Arts Sector programs with one program as recipient every year.

The prizes were given out by our three sector Deans Andréa Cole (Creative and Applied Arts), Diane Gauvin (Academic Dean) and Ray Bourgeois (Dean of Science, Medical and Engineering Technologies). The three winners were:

Stephanie MacMillan (1st prize) for her Cascerne 23 Community Centre

Laryssa Belanger (1st Honorable Mention) for her “ Off the Leash” Pediatric Rehabilitation Centre for handicapped children and therapy dogs.

Vu Truong (2nd Honorable Mention) for his Community Multimedia library.

A special Third Honourable Mention went to Jennifer Paragios for her airport YULayover Lounge given by Dean Emeritus Donald Walker, former Dean of Program Development.  Funding for this award was granted by the Dean of Creative arts Special Events Budget.

The prize winners were selected though a rigorous screening process first initiated by the Co-Chair Kurt Holfeld where the students were made aware of the prize early in the semester and at the pre-vernissage viewing. The Deans were given advice and direction by the Interior Design faculty on the short-listed number of ten applicants.

Photos of the event were taken by two Professional Photo Students: 3rd year Graduating student Samiha Harun and second year Cecil Cesar Felicien.

***Exceptionally this year, Academic Dean Diane Gauvin also announced that the first prize winner Stephanie MacMillan’s work will be under consideration as possible design solutions for student uses of spaces into the future at the College.This was quite a remarkable announcement and turn of events this year giving a special value and importance to the awards and the support of student success.


Last Modified: May 31, 2018