Effects Montreal Conference 2017

September 6th - 7th, 2017

Effects Montreal has 70 speakers, 1200+ attendees, 266 participating companies; it is the largest international VFX and 3D Animation conference on the East Coast.  For students and professionals alike, it is an opportunity to learn and to grow, to be exposed to the latest trends in the industry, and to network with companies and with people at every level of the industry.  Two days of this conference can change a students’ perspective, their understanding, and their overall motivation; it can provide both inspiration and opportunities that go beyond what they will find in the classroom.

Project Update

Effects Montreal 2017 was an incredible experience for our students. It exposed them to many international VFX/3DAnimation companies within Montreal – studios who were there to show off their latest exciting projects, talk in detail about their evolving workflow techniques, and demonstrate the latest technologies they had developed/adopted. Recruitment companies were also there in full force, and the students were able to witness firsthand the many exciting opportunities that await them, if they work hard.

The many conference speakers proved to be extremely educational, and the expo floor was a delightful eye-opener for the students. The experience was far more exciting and “real” than anything their teachers might have described in the classroom, and students continue to talk about it, weeks later. I’m sure our participation in the conference will inform how our students approach all their ýcourses, and will have a significant impact on their drive to succeed in this domain.

Last Modified: November 2, 2017