Film Theory Student Workshop

November 11th, 2016

University of Vermont , one of the world’s leading experts on film theory, will lead a three-hour workshop with students in the Reflections seminar, “Reading Alfred Hitchcock: Film, Text, Context.”

Project Update

On November 11, 2016, University of Vermont English Professor Todd McGowan gave a dynamic and interactive presentation on contemporary psychoanalysis and film theory. He delivered his talk to the paired English-Humanities Reflections Seminar, “Reading Alfred Hitchcock: Film, Literature, and Philosophy.”

Professor McGowan began his talk with a lecture on the film Shadow of a Doubt. He used clips from the movie to illustrate his concepts about the unconscious mind, human sexuality, and the nature of drives. In the second half of the three-hour course, McGowan discussed the way that a psychoanalytic approach can help explain consumer capitalism, the prevalence of conspiracy theories, and even the election of Donald Trump. We were very fortunate that McGowan, who has published ten peer-reviewed books on psychoanalytic theory, made an effort to target his talk towards an audience made up primarily of ýstudents. He was simultaneously engaging, insightful, and humorous. He also stayed for almost an hour after the official part of the presentation was completed to discuss his ideas with students and faculty.

Last Modified: November 2, 2017