Illustration and Design guest speakers: Chris Dyer and Daniel Kvasznicza

March 23rd, 2016

Illustration and Design students had the privilege to attend presentations of two very experienced artist/illustrators and designers – Chris Dyer and Daniel Kvasznicza. Our third – years students, as well as some first and second-year students were present for what was an informative and eye-opening look at two very different artists.

 took students on a lively, enthusiastic journey describing his experiences growing up from street gangs to a very successful globe-trotting artist and commercial entrepreneur. His extraordinary beautiful, personal and visionary art taps into a market that spans all cultures. Chris was able to describe how he markets his own work wherever he goes, from skateboards to street art, prints, apparel and gallery shows. His combination of charm,self-confidence and keen business sense demonstrated to students and staff a fresh and original take on the possibilities of illustration for the masses.

 wowed students with his unlikely but extraordinary blend of mathematics and illustration, taking them on a journey from his intense studies in Switzerland to his profession as a sought-after concept artist and matte painter. He presented his work and approach to game art and motion picture concept art, dazzling us with complex and beautiful tableaus, some created by a software of his own creation. With wit and imagination, Daniel gave students a glimpse into the leading edge techniques of digital illustration.


Last Modified: November 2, 2017