International Business Stock Market Competition

February 22nd - April 15th, 2016

 is an opportunity for students to learn how to invest in the stock market. Students develop an understanding of how the stock market works, how to pick winning stocks by looking at charts and reading company information, how to allocate assets by building a diversified portfolio. Each student startrf with $100,000 and had to invest it in at least 4 different stocks for 8 weeks. Based on portfolio value, the top five students were awarded prices and the opportunity to share their strategy during the prize giving ceremony.

This year’s IBS Stock Market Competition had a total of 63 participating students. The duration was from 22 February 2016 to 15 April 2016. Students were allowed to trade in stocks traded in the major stock markets in Canada and the United State of America. The free stock market simulation tool from was used. All the present and past IBS students were invited to the ceremony and approximately 70 came. Each of the winners gave a speech of about 5 minutes where they shared their strategy and what they learned with the rest of the students.

The following top five students were awarded gifts during a ceremony from 11:30 am to 13:30 pm on 29 April 2016.

  • The first prize of $175 was awarded to M. Karim Senhaji-Lyamani
  • The second prize of $125 was awarded to M. Romano Mercadante
  • The third prize of $100 was awarded to M. Daniil Aydakov
  • The fourth prize of $50 was awarded to M. Nick Babieri
  • The fifth prize of $50 was awarded to Ms. Lynn Itani

Last Modified: November 2, 2017