International Women’s Day

March 6th - 8th, 2017

In recognition of International Women’s Day on March 8th, Women’s/Gender Studies students are organizing various activities from March 6th to March 8th. Over a three-day period, we will have speakers and events in Conrod’s to celebrate past and present women’s achievement, and also to highlight issues that still need to be overcome. Activities will include speeches from community leaders and members of the °®¶¹´«Ã½Community, performances, workshops, and movie screenings.

Project Update

Women’s Week saw many excellent speakers, story-tellers, artists and stand-up comediennes. at its 2nd annual event. Almost all major events attracted enough people to fill all the seats. Volunteers from the student, staff and faculty came out to lend a hand. Below is a brief description of all involved:


Lily Alexandre (student), who rescheduled after losing her voice and making great music for us on Wednesday instead.

Marie-Josée Parant and Mélanie Lamsden (Desti-nations), challenged students on what they truly knew about Indigenous culture. Michelle Smith (Journeys, Cin-Com), thanks for putting us in contact.

Gina Granter (English), invited some incredible storytellers and comedians to make us laugh and reflect. Tranna Wintour, D.J. Mausner, Sara Meleika, Melina Trimarchi, Kirsten Finch, Natalie Willett knocked our socks off!

Julien (alumni and Women’s Studies student), Rae (current student) and Mylène Saucier (coordinator of Physiotherapy Technology), reminded us of all there has been and needs to be done to really make educational institutions trans inclusive during your panel.

Johanne Rabbat (Religion), organized a screening of Art, Women, Revolution!

Sue Montgomery (Interim Director of Communication for the Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women), lead our femicide vigil organized by Florencia Vallejo Ortiz (Student).

Jazz (Student), Aisha (Student), and Erin (Student), shared their bold words and personal stories reminding us that Muslim women are not oppressed, not oppressed, and that we all need to continue to fight against Islamophobia.

JJ Levine (Artist), presented images of queer lives that challenge our notions of gender, family and representation. Cheryl Simon (Cin-Com), made this happen.

J.Ellise Barbara (Musician), was our DJ in the final hours.


It Happens Here: featuring work by Hannah Gold-Apel (Student), and Sophie Shields-Rivard (Student)and with the generous help of Claire Elliott (Library). Girl Power Pins and Tattoos: Giulia Caruana (Student) raised over $750.00 for Rock Camp For Girls BRAVO!!
Equity Bake Sale: Sandrine Carle-Landry (Student) did some fantastic coordination of this vegan and pay-gap awareness building table.
Sustainable Menstruation Products table was very eye-opening and was made possible by Gina Granter and her class.
T-Shirts with designed logos by Brandon (student) were sold and pre-sold for Myriam Rafla’s (Cin-Com) integrative activity class fundraiser. Last I heard they sold out, and were making pre-sales for over 20 shirts!
Women Aware: Although this table was not there the whole time, it was key in providing important information about broader community initiatives to fight against domestic violence. Mikaela Jade Cuaycong (Student) organized this very interactive table with photo booth and information.

Last Modified: November 2, 2017