Malaga Spanish Internship Trip

May 13th - 28th, 2019

This is a two-week Spanish-language travel–internship experience in May 2019 that will provide ýstudents from Modern Languages and other ýprograms with the opportunity to use Spanish in a real-life work environment. Students will also take language courses to improve their Spanish and they will be introduced to Spain’s vibrant culture.

Students will have daily Spanish-language classes and, through the internship program and interaction with their local host families, will have the opportunity to use Spanish in “real-life” situations every day of this two-week trip.

Project Update

The trip was a resounding success. As planned, on weekdays students worked for four hours a day in internships at various Malaga organizations and businesses, using Spanish in a “real-life” setting. They also took formal Spanish classes at the Malaca Instituto, a Quebec government-recognized Spanish-language school. Evenings and weekends were devoted to cultural activities, including visits to Malaga museums and historic Moorish towns like Cordoba, and lessons in flamenco and Spanish cuisine. Students also needed to use their Spanish when interacting with their host families.

Last Modified: July 29, 2019