Media Night Fall 2019

December 6th - 6th, 2019

Media Night is a public event at the °®¶¹´«Ã½Theater that showcases films and other media-related projects made by students in the Cinema + Communications Profile and ALC program in a public event held at the end of term. Parents, teachers, colleagues and friends attend the event. The projects are judged by media experts and awarded prizes such as best sound design, best documentary, etc.

thumbnail_Media Night Poster 02-Harry Potter

Project Update

The production of this year’ Media Night involved students working with other students in every aspects of the event. The students, who organized Media Night, participated as designers, writers, fundraisers, public-relations coordinators, video programmers, stage crew and presenters. The entire student body of the Cinema and Communications profile were involved as both media creators and as audience members. Students involved also encourage the entire student population of the College to participate in both film submissions and as audience members.

Last Modified: August 10, 2020