Media Night w2018

May 11th, 2018

Media Night –  Spring 2018 will showcase films and other media-related projects made by students in the Cinema + Communications Profile and the ALC Program. Parents, teachers, staff and friends attend this evening event. The projects are judged by media experts and prizes are awarded for best films in each category (Narrative, Documentary, Animation, Experimental and Music Video) as well as for Editing, Sound, Directing, Screenplay, Art Direction and Cinematography – just like the Oscars.

Project Update

The Spring 2018 Media Night was a huge success. The event sold out and brought together faculty, administration, parents and friends to celebrate the achievements of students in the Cin-Com profile and ALC program. Students organizing the event did an exemplary job of publicity, PR, fund-raising, program selection, sketch-writing, stage direction, stage-performance, mediabundling and food service, and those submitting creative work presented compelling and polished projects.

The names of this year’s winners are:

Best Narrative: Youssef Hamouda for Men Don’t Cry
Best Experimental: Ryan Khanna for Umbra Mortis
Best Documentary: Youssef Hamouda for Cairo Stories
Best Music Video: Joshua Bolufar for Sawaw
Best Cinematography: Philip LeMoyne for Teenage Fever
Best Direction: Connor Rambarani, The Badge
Best Sound: Tiffany Poirier for Game of Wits
Best Script: Roxana Balioiu for Portrait of Lebaddvski
Best Editing: Kayla Fragman for No Bad Questions

This year the theme for Media Night was changing media formats and the graphic designer and writers for the on-stage performances took °®¶¹´«Ã½Blockbuster video as a point of departure. Posters, pamphlets, tickets etc. were all designed in response.

Last Modified: May 18, 2018