SSAP Projects


May 25th - June 3rd, 2016

Environmental Management in Waskaganish

The main objectives of the project were to foster knowledge, experience, and understanding amongst °®¶¹´«Ã½Environmental Studies Profile, North South Studies, and Professional Photography students with respect to Cree and Northern Quebec culture. The trip was designed to investigate the impacts of Hydro-Quebec’s James Bay Project and the subsequent diversion of the Rupert River.  In...


June 8th - 28th, 2016

Interior Design Trip To China

The 20 day trip took 2 teachers and 5 Interior Design students to 5 Chinese cities: Beijing, Wuhan, Shanghai, Hangzhou and Suzhou. The focus of the trip was meeting and sharing educational issues with Environmental Design teachers and students at 4 Chinese institutions: Beijing Normal University, Hubei Institute of Art (Wuhan), Zhejiang University of Technology...
June 3rd - 5th, 2016

CSSRA Rowing Championships 2016

The CSSRA regatta which takes place annually in St. Catharine’s Ontario is the championship scholastic regatta for Canadian youth under 19 which includes secondary school students from across Canada and the United States as well as CEGEP students in Quebec. The CSSRA Regatta perennially represents the culmination of the rowing year for all of our...
May 11th - 12th, 2016

Down the Rabbit Hole

Thirty-five students were involved in this production of Down the Rabbit Hole, Up A Tree. This was an original script written by the students and their teacher, Laura Mitchell.  We began with Lewis Carroll’s two short novels, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass.  Then using °®¶¹´«Ã½as the backdrop, we explored the ways students find themselves...
May 6th, 2016

Media Night (Winter 2016)

Media Night
Media Night was held on May 6, 2016 and, as usual, was well attended. This is the event in which production-oriented students in the  Cinema Communication department present their end-of semester work. All the films are posted and can be seen @ Students produce films in four categories Narrative, Documentary, Experimental and Animation. The films are judged by three invited...
May 6th, 2016

Interactive Media Arts: End of Eden

end of eden
An immersive, interactive environment that represents nature being crudely represented by technology attempting to mimic it. Nature is corrupted and manipulated by technology. It aims to create a dark, brooding atmosphere that evokes thought about human interaction with nature. It aims to create a dark, brooding atmosphere that replaces interactions with the natural world with...
May 2 and May 9, 2016


SYNC – the final project for the two   Cinema Communication department Multimedia Production classes, is a modern take on television production. Modeled after TV shows like the Daily Show with John Stewart and Saturday Night Live, it focuses on the lives of generation Z (our students). SYNC was taped in front of a live audience in...
May 2nd - 6th, 2016

°®¶¹´«Ã½ScienceFest 2016

The °®¶¹´«Ã½ScienceFest conference shared students’ knowledge, creativity and passion for learning science in a public forum and recognized them for their efforts and achievements in 2015-2016. Approximately 350 students presented projects and volunteered their time to help out from several different programs including General Science, Radiation Oncology, Diagnostic Imaging, Nursing, Civil Tech and Mech...
May 2016

Liberal Arts Anthology 2016

The 2016 Liberal Arts Anthology project was an incredible success. The collaboration between the first and second year cohorts of Liberal Arts was wonderful to experience. The editorial board exhibited impressive creative, editorial and organizational talents. Due to their enthusiasm, more students than ever were convinced to contribute to the publication. At the official launch, students and faculty...

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