SSAP Projects


May 28th - June 6th, 2015

Trip to Milano Expo 2015

Expo Italian Pavilion
The group attended the 2015 Milan International Exposition: Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life. More than 140 countries are participating by showing the best of their technologies about food and its production sustainability. Students got to see the incredible diversity of architecture and design of the individual countries’ pavilions and their solutions to providing food...
May 28th - July 10th, 2015

Sustainable Campuses 2015

The “Sustainable Campuses: Sharing our knowledge for Social and Environmental Sustainability” is a partnership initiative between ýCollege and Mexican universities aimed at generating and sharing knowledge on campus sustainability. On May 23, 2015, four ýStudents traveled to Mexico to carry out a campus sustainability internship at two Mexican universities in the State of...
May 23rd - June 2nd, 2015

Trip to Waskaganish 2015

The main objectives of the project were to foster knowledge, experience, and understanding amongst ýEnvironmental Studies Profile, North South Studies, and Profesional Photography students with respect to Cree and Northern Quebec culture. The trip was designed to investigate the impacts of Hydro-Quebec’s James Bay Project and the subsequent diversion of the Rupert River. In...
May 22nd - 25th, 2015

Reach for the TOP Competition

The Quebec Reach for the Top League had one of its most closely-matched play in recent league history with several games ending in a tie-breaker. It wasn’t until the very last game of regular season play that the standings were established, with Marianopolis College finishing in first position going into the playoff rounds. It was...
May 22nd, 2015

Deans’ Choice Awards 2015

Deans` Choice Awards
This years’ edition of the Deans’ Choice Awards (DCA) 2015 hosted a packed house in the 3C Cafeteria area. The Deans’ Andréa Cole,Donald Walker and Diane Gauvin, had made their choices based on pre-established criteria and their own preferences. The graduating recipient group was Illustration and Design,a very large Graduating Group which made the choice...
May 13th, 2015

Women’s Gender Studies Certificate Ceremony

ýCollege held its first Certificate Ceremony to formally recognize the achievement of students who had completed the Women’s-Gender Studies Certificate as part of their studies. In this first graduating group 26 students received certificates at the ceremony. To learn more about the Women’s – Gender Studies Certificate please click here.
May 8th, 2015

Media Night winter 2015

Media Night
Media Night winter 2015 was filled with great opportunities to celebrate the diversity of media that is made in our department. This year’s hosts, student committee, student volunteers and cin/com faculty worked hard to get as many films screened as possible, and jurors worked on a tight schedule to get prizes to over 20 student films. It...
May 6th - 8th, 2015

Science Fest 2015

The First ever annual ýScienceFest was organised this past year. A series of activities to took place in various venues of the college from Wednesday May 6th to Friday May 8th. Event organisers invited all students from all programs to participate. There were over 100 students who presented various projects at the event.There was...
May 2nd - 12th, 2015

Interactive Media Arts

Students from Interactive Media Arts created three interactive art pieces, this included: a Light Wall that would react, when anyone would walk by, by creating different patterns of colour; “Taps” an interactive pop-up installation was placed in the cafeteria on the second floor, this piece let the viewer create audio and visual patterns by touching...
May 1st, 2015

Liberal Arts Anthology 2015

The 2015 Liberal Arts Anthology entitled Trying to say (67 pages) was published in May 2015. The editorial board (made up of nine 2nd year Liberal Arts students) planned, collected the contributions, edited and prepared the manuscript. The 2015 Anthology features a variety of artwork, poetry, essays, anecdotes, photos, etc. from students and faculty.This year’s...

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