Printmaking Artist Talk / Professional Printmaking Studio Experience

February 28th, 2017

Artist Guillaume Brisson Darveau will give a talk to both 2nd year Visual Art student groups. The talk will focus on the artist’s work created in the context of printmaking residencies, here and abroad.

Students will also visit the printmaking studio . Atelier Circulaire occupies a bright 10.000 ft2 space and provides workspaces and specialized equipment for intaglio, lithography, relief, silkscreen and digital printing. The visit would include a tour of the studio as well as a printmaking demonstration and the execution of a print in lithography.

Project Update

ARTIST TALK:  Guillaume Brisson Darveau The visual art students appreciated Guillaume Brisson Darveau’s work as it gave them theopportunity to see how print media can be used in conjunction with other disciplines and how printmaking has gravitated to the realm of contemporary art. Because our students were experimenting with performance art in their sculpture course, they were equally interested to see
how this artist integrates 3D printed cardboard constructs in his performance art. Guillaume Brisson Darveau presented his projects in the context of various artist residencies.


The outing and workshop at  allowed the Visual Art 2016-2017 students at °®¶¹´«Ã½College to experience an artist run centre in printmaking and see themselves as future young artists in a professional context. It gave them the opportunity to experience a real context where artists, young and old, unite to afford specialized printmaking equipment and studio space.

Students were also able to enjoy and learn from a magnificent printexhibition, 100 visages et amis, by internationally renowned Japanese artist, Tomiyuki Sakuta. This show was rich in printmaking techniques and showed how small works unified in theme can be tiled together to form a larger body of work.

The specialized lithography workshop, given by artist and teacher Carlos Callado gave the students the opportunity to experience the process of lithography and gain a basic knowledge on the potential of lithography as printmaking medium close to direct drawing.

Last Modified: November 2, 2017