Queens of Egypt Museum Visit

September 7th, 2018

Students will visit the at Pointe-à-Callière Museum as part of their Western Civilization class. The exhibit features numerous historical objects depicting the life and culture of Ancient Egypt, including funerary objects, a mummy (!), the famous bust of Nefertiti, and much more. In addition, the focus of the exhibit is the influence women had in shaping one of the most significant of ancient civilization. Students will complete a series of pedagogical activities related to the exhibit both at the museum and in class. These activities focus on developing a comparative analysis of the role of women in various civilizations.

Project Update

Students learned about various ancient civilizations in class and then attended the Pointe a Calliere's Queens of Egypt exhibit to deepen their knowledge of Ancient Egypt. The visit also helped students understand how we know about the past by bringing them into contact with various artifacts that provide a window into Ancient Egyptian society and culture. At the museum students completed an assignment that required them to identify three artifacts that allowed them to really understand an aspect of the society or culture of Ancient Egypt. There was incredible interest shown on the part of the students as many engaged in conversation with our guide and asked plenty of great questions.

Last Modified: September 17, 2018