S.P.A.C.E 2014-2015

September 1st, 2014 - May 26th, 2015

In the 2014/2015 academic year, S.P.A.C.E. hosted and participated in twenty two live events as well as publishing three editions of the webzine. The events were well attended with over 1,500 students, faculty and staff present and 725 students and faculty actively engaged in one or more projects. Most of these events related to this year’s theme: Trans–. The events were highly varied and unique, the numbers and scope of the participants reaching across the disciplines, programs and departments, and included students, faculty, staff and members of the broader community. Some of the projects spanned a number of months; the students involved in the Translating Science project met weekly throughout the year; students involved in the play Miles Gloriosus met weekly during the winter semester. The SPACE corp project received external financial sponsorship to attend a workshop in Boston. A partnership with the sponsoring company will continue for 2015-2016 with a number of students already engaged in research this summer. The mural from the TransLuminal project is being permanently installed in the College.

S.P.A.C.E 2015: The goal of SPACE is to expand academic discussion and collaboration beyond the classroom and across the disciplines by creating a unique learning community of teachers and students. Now in its seventh year, SPACE provides transformative venues––including both our website and our live events––for students to pursue trans disciplinary discussions and collaborations that may arise out of classroom work, Comprehensive Examination projects or the students’ own independent interests.
SPACE 2015.

To visit the SPACE website please click
To view the Trans Exhibition catalogue click

Last Modified: November 2, 2017