Saint Henri Walking Tour 2019 : Mapping Stories of Shaughnessy Village

April 11th - 11th, 2019

The Walking Tour of St. Henri is an opportunity for students to step outside the classroom and to consider key concepts in geography in relation to their physical surroundings. The tour weaves together historical events and contemporary conversations, focusing on issues of urban planning, inequality, housing, gentrification, community-building and activism in the neighborhood of St. Henri. Ultimately, the tour encourages students to reflect on their own neighborhoods and communities, and the role we can all play in supporting positive and inclusive neighborhood development throughout the City of Montreal. This walking tour will be a component of the Learning Communities course pairing (intro to geography/research methods):.

Project Update

The Walking Tour of St. Henri was an opportunity for students to step outside the classroom and to consider key concepts in geography in relation to their physical surroundings. The tour weaved together historical events and contemporary conversations, focusing on issues of urban planning, inequality, housing, gentrification, community-building and activism in the neighborhood of St. Henri. Ultimately, the tour encouraged students to reflect on their own neighbourhoods and communities, and the role we can all play in supporting positive and inclusive neighbourhood development throughout the City of Montreal. This walking tour was a component of the Learning Communities course pairing (intro to geography/research methods): Mapping Stories of Shaughnessy Village.

Last Modified: July 29, 2019