Science, On Tourne! 2017

May 5th - 6th, 2017

The 2017 edition of Science, ! challenges students to “build an autonomous machine able to pick up golf balls and put them in a container”
The winning team from the Local ýcompetition will be sent to the Finals held at Cégep Garneau on May 5 & 6. The local ýcompetition will have teams from Mechanical Engineering Technologies as well as numerous Science students.

Project Update

The 2017 edition of Science, On Tourne! challenged students to “build an autonomous machine able to pick up golf balls and put them in a container”.

The winning team from the Local ýcompetition was sent to the Finals held at Cégep Garneau on May 5 & 6.There was great participation this year. Even though they did not place high in the rankings (36 CEGEPs attended), both students were recognized for their individual achievement: Justin Simard, a student in Mechanical Engineering Technology, was awarded the ETS prize, which gives Justin $1,500 for tuition costs at the École de technologie supérieure, while Adrian Barraza-Borzone took the Prix de participation Hydro. The article is still on the main page.

The winners for our local competition were: – Communication: Julien Otis-Laperrière, Clara Scattolin, George Gabbay (Science Program)
– Eco-responsability: Abraham Rijer, Michael Slater Covenden, Sean Scott (Mech Tech)
– Ingenuity: Yovan Valsada, Mingfei Yan, Shengjie Hong (Mech Tech)
– Challenge: Justin Simard, Adrian Barraza-Borzone (Mech Tech)

Last Modified: November 2, 2017