Sustainable Campuses 2015

May 28th - July 10th, 2015

The “Sustainable Campuses: Sharing our knowledge for Social and Environmental Sustainability” is a partnership initiative between ýCollege and Mexican universities aimed at generating and sharing knowledge on campus sustainability. On May 23, 2015, four ýStudents traveled to Mexico to carry out a campus sustainability internship at two Mexican universities in the State of Morelos, the Universidad Pedagogica Nacional (UPN) and the Universidad Politecnica del Estado de Morelos (UPEMOR). The students also participated in several activities coordinated by the CECAM and thus were exposed to environmental education forums and workshops throughout their stay. They also participated in a Forum for Campus Sustainability where they presented on different sustainability initiatives taking place at ýCollege. Thorough out their internship the four students kept a blog which described their activities but also reflected on campus sustainability, the role that students and the educational community plays in bringing about change. They gave radio interviews and were featured in the local media. While their internship in Mexico has ended, the students are now preparing a presentation for the Environmental Studies Seminar (Sept 3, 2015) and they will also be designing a window display on campus sustainability.

Sustainable Campuses

Want to know more? Check out the Sustainable Campuses Internship blog

Last Modified: November 2, 2017